SPAM yields for Single PlAyer Monte carlo tree search. It is an implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search that focuses on single-player games.
We provide a single-player MCTS implementation in the directory mcts. Running this MCTS on your problem requires to implement three interfaces, which are:
- IState gathers the requirement your state must fulfill;
- IAcation indicates how to compare actions;
- IRewardFunction contains the reward evaluation of a given state.
The memory management of the MCTS is based on smart (std::shared_ptr
) and raw pointers. Memory check is regularly
performed and there is no memory leak in the current implementation. In order to avoid memory issues as much
as possible, previous interfaces only use smart pointers.
An example of problem solving using this MCTS implementation is given in takuzu. The takuzu is a Sudoku-like problem that is played by a single player.
Without getting in the details, the two main classes that are implemented
the MCTS algorithm are MCTSAgent en MCTSTree. In practice, when
using SPAM, you do not need to look at the MCSTree class. On its side, the MCTSAgent class provides the
method that implement the iterative procedure depicted below.
When instantiating an MCTSAgent agent, we must give it the reward function that will be used during the process, but also the selection function (here UCB is provided), the maximum number of iterations we accept, and the maximun number of seconds.
The other important class is MCTSLoop. Its role is to integrate the MCTS pipeline execution inside a loopStarting from an initial state s0 and a given agent a, we will iteratively ask a to run an MCTS pipeline to generate a new state. More specifically, the input of an iteration is a state si, we run a with si as the root of the MCTS tree. When it is done, we get the best child of this tree root, or the best node in the tree as an output. It will become the input of the next iteration.
We use CMake to build our project, which depends on the nlohmann-json library for handling json files. When building the dev environnement using cmake, you will have to previously install nlohmann-json, and to add its location into your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.
Using spack to install dependencies, you can do the following commands
spack install nlohmann-json
And add such a cmake option:
There exist many ways to implement a MCTS. The version proposed here is mainly inspired by
The MCTSAgent class allows to automatically export the current state of the MCTS tree in a json file. In the following pieces of codes, we activate the debug mode of the agent a before running the MCTS algorithm. The option OUT_END_ONLY indicates that we will only export the final tree. It will be written in the file "takuzu_0.json".
MCTSAgent a(...)
a.activate_debug_mode("takuzu", MCTSAgent::OUT_END_ONLY);;
With the following options, one file will be written every two cycles
a.activate_debug_mode("takuzu", MCTSAgent::OUT_ITERATION,2);
The generated json files will look like this.
"links": [
{"child": 2, "parent": 1}, {"child": 3, "parent": 1},
{"child": 4, "parent": 1}, {"child": 5, "parent": 1},
"nodes": [
{"id": 1, "reward": -11.0, "visits": 11},
{"id": 2, "reward": -1.0, "visits": 1},
{"id": 3, "reward": -1.0, "visits": 1
- A research paper on the single-player problem (2008):
- Another one that aims to "optimize" the time consumption (2008):
- Aonther one, which is more recent (2021): v
- A recent review (2022) on the Monte Carlo Tree Search technique:
- A blog on SP MCTS:
- A lesson on MCTS:
- A self-learinng single player MCTS: