npm install lambda-s3-archiver --save
This nodejs module will read and archive files in AWS S3 bucket using stream, and store the archive file in S3 as well. It works very well archiving any files in S3 bucket. Since it is using stream in both reading the source files and writing the archive file, it can safely process large files without too much memory needed in the lambda.
* This nodejs module will read and archive files in AWS S3 bucket using stream, and store the archived file in S3 as well..
* @param {sourceBucket} - the S3 bucket containing the files to archive
* @param {sourcePath} - the S3 prefix/path containing the files to archive
* @param {sourceFiles} - (OPTIONAL) the list of filenames in the sourcePath to archive
* - If not specified, all the files in sourcePath will be included in the archive
* @param {outputFilename} - the filename of the archive file. Default to 'archive'.
* @param {outputFormat} - the format of the archive file (zip | tar). Default to 'zip'.
* @param {uploadOptions} - additional options passed to s3.upload
* @return {object} - a JSON object containing the details of the archive file.
s3Bucket: 's3-bucket-name',
fileKey: 's3-prefix-path/',
fileSize: 1024
- Archive ALL files in the specified s3 sourcePath prefix.
const s3Archiver = require('lambda-s3-archiver');
const result = await s3Archiver.archive('s3-bucket-name', 's3-prefix-path');
- Archive ALL files in the specified s3 sourcePath prefix by passing outputFilename and outputFormat as parameters.
const s3Archiver = require('lambda-s3-archiver');
const result = await s3Archiver.archive('s3-bucket-name', 's3-prefix-path', [], 'outputFile', 'zip');
- Archive specified list of files in the specified s3 sourcePath prefix.
const s3Archiver = require('lambda-s3-archiver');
const result = await s3Archiver.archive('s3-bucket-name', 's3-prefix-path', ['files1', 'files2'], 'outputFile', 'tar');
- Archive ALL files at the s3 root level (bucket name level) by passing outputFilename and outputFormat as parameters.
const s3Archiver = require('lambda-s3-archiver');
const result = await s3Archiver.archive('s3-bucket-name', '', [], 'outputFile', 'zip');
Please make sure the lambda has read and write access to the source S3 Bucket.
Sample Lambda using the lambda-s3-archiver, with Cloudformation, can be found in
npm run test
1.0.0 - Initial stable release
1.1.0 - Added support for additional s3.upload params
1.2.0 - Fixed issue on archiving ALL files in the S3 prefix/folder where the prefix is included s3.listObjects.
1.3.0 - Added support for path with more than 1000 files.
1.4.0 - Added support to archive at the S3 root level.