Releases: franciskafieh/obsidian-list-modified
- added debug setting to manually reset all tracked files and to force refresh changes
- fixed bug where the plugin would always consider yesterday as the last note
- fixed bug where new note logic would not delete old modifications
- added URIs to output format
Thank you for 100 stars 😅 ❤️
THIS UPDATE CONTAINS BREAKING CHANGES. This is the first 3.x.x public release, as it was previously in alpha.
The main change is that the plugin now uses dividers instead of headers as a placeholder to put your lists. This makes the plugin way more flexible.
Please read the wiki for changes and configuration.
Other Output Format Changes
- You can now use frontmatter properties as templates/placeholder values in your output format!
- You may now have a different output format for every list (created/modified/deleted)
- Deleted output format is now customizable
- See the Output Format wiki for more details on this.
- FIX: duplicate tags in output
Small Changes
- 3.1.3 specifically adds some settings description improvements
- UI now adheres to Obsidian principles
- dev testing improvements
- Fixed #108 duplicate tags
Same changes as 3.1.0, but they work this time! 😉
Lots of dev changes to allow for better testing
The UI is also slightly different to adhere to the Obsidian UI recommendations
- You can now use frontmatter properties as templates/placeholder values in your output format!
- You may now have a different output format for every list (created/modified/deleted)
- Deleted output format is now customizable
- See the Output Format wiki for more details
** REMINDER: this is a breaking release if upgrading from 2.x.x. It will also need to be installed manually or with BRAT. Please see the 3.0.0-alpha release page for more information.
The main change is that the plugin now uses dividers instead of headers as a placeholder to put your lists.
Please read the wiki for changes and configuration.
Since this is an alpha release, bugs may occur. To install the alpha release of this plugin, see the BRAT guide.
Re-release to allow h1s after list of notes
Added a local version of to the plugin to fix bug #87
- Added verbose mode for easier plugin support