REST API that serves data from National Vulnerability Database
System dependencies:
To run this app locally, run the following:
docker-compose up
This will build up all the services that are listed in docker-compose.yml file.
If you are running this project for the first time, tables in the database are not defined and empty. To solve this, open new terminal window and type the following commands:
These two commands will download all the data from NVD in zip files
docker exec -it fidelio_api python create-tables
This will create all the tables defined in
docker exec -it fidelio_api python fill-db-cve
This will extract all the CVE data from zip files and fill the database with them
docker exec -it fidelio_api python fill-db-cpe
This will extract all the CPE, vendor and product data from zip files and fill the database with them
docker exec -it fidelio_api python build-rel
This will create relationships between CVE and CPE models
NOTE: Last command is very resource intensive, execution can last up to 24 hours
API uses Swagger to display documentation, you can find it here.
Linter flake8 was used during the writing of the project. Main guideline is to not overcomplicate things and to not cross line length which is set to 100.