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AwesomeWM Dotfiles

Here is my configuration for AwesomeWM.

For a video of the output: YouTube Link.


(1) AwesomeWM (2) Lain widgets (3) bwm-ng for the bandwidth monitor; if using wifi it presupposes you're using iwd, but could be changed. (4) mpd with mpc for the music widget (5) clipmenu and rofi for the clipboard widget (6) wezterm is the default terminal and neovim the default editor. (Note, I have since the video switched back to kitty from wezterm.)

There may be other things. I wasn't really intending to make these public. As is, there are some scripts called when you click things, and Firefox profiles, that won't be available; but hopefully you can modify to suit.

Recommended but not required


(1) Clone this repo as your ~/.config/awesome (I.e., cd ~/.config && git clone [email protected]:frabjous/awesome.git.) (2) Create the theme files or symlinks mentioned below.

There are probably other steps I can't quite remember. Let me know if it doesn't work for you and it'll probably come to me.

Theme files/symlinks

To make it easier to change the color/font theme without affecting the core operability, the dotfiles now rely on two things not tracked in the repository.

The first is a file currenttheme.lua. I usually have a symlink in the directory with this name which targets another file on my system. (Since that file is not awesome-specific, it is not included here.) However, if you wished to replicate the color/font theme in the YouTube video above, the contents would be this:

return {
    accent = "#87afdf",
    brightcolors = {
        black = "#898a8b",
        blue = "#c3d7ef",
        cyan = "#d7efef",
        gray1 = "#97989a",
        gray2 = "#a6a7a9",
        gray3 = "#b4b6b8",
        gray4 = "#c3c5c7",
        gray5 = "#d1d3d6",
        gray6 = "#e0e2e4",
        green = "#d7efc3",
        magenta = "#efd7ef",
        orange = "#fad7b8",
        purple = "#c7ace4",
        red = "#efc3c3",
        white = "#eef1f3",
        yellow = "#ffffd7"
    fontfamily = "Oswald",
    icon_color = "#87afdf",
    icon_theme = "ePapirus",
    monofontfamily = "Fira Code",
    secondary_highlight = "#afdf87",
    themecolors = {
        black = "#131518",
        blue = "#87afdf",
        cyan = "#afdfdf",
        gray1 = "#303236",
        gray2 = "#4d5053",
        gray3 = "#6a6d71",
        gray4 = "#878b8f",
        gray5 = "#a4a8ad",
        gray6 = "#c1c6ca",
        green = "#afdf87",
        magenta = "#dfafdf",
        orange = "#f5af71",
        purple = "#8f5ac9",
        red = "#df8787",
        white = "#dee3e8",
        yellow = "#ffffaf"
    uifontfamily = "Clear Sans"

Create a file with those or similar contents and create a symlink to it:

ln -s $HOME/.config/themes/mytheme.lua $HOME/.config/awesome/currenttheme.lua

(Or you could simply populate currenttheme.lua with those contents.) Of course, feel free to use different colors or fonts if you prefer.

The second is that there should be another symlink, icons that points to one of the subdirectories of the iconthemes subdirectory. To replicate the YouTube video you could do:

ln -s $HOME/.config/awesome/iconthemes/myoriginal $HOME/.config/awesome/icons

The icons in the different subdirectories are only different in color.


GPL v3


Dotfiles for awesomewm







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