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Lemma 7.1.4 (#201)
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I added two theorems in the ToMathlib file. We might also consider
generalizing `sum_pow_two_le` (in PointwiseEstimate.lean) and adding it
to Mathlib; Mathlib has some results about geometric sums indexed by
naturals, but none that I could find about geometric sums indexed by

There were a few (as far as I could tell) mistakes in the blueprint,
which I fixed:

- There were a couple uninteresting typos.
- There was some confusion about the constant `C7_1_4 a`: in the
statement of the theorem, it's 10 * 2 ^ (105a^3), but at the end of the
proof, it's 2 ^ (105a^3). I changed it to 10 * 2 ^ (104a^3).
- I don't think that the step originally described in the blueprint as
"[u]sing the doubling property (1.0.8), the definition of d_p and Lemma
2.1.2" works as written. The doubling property requires x_1 to be in
B_2, which I don't think can be proven in this situation. I used the
monotonicity property (1.0.9) to make the balls big enough that this
condition holds; this requires more applications of (1.0.8) to
compensate, but the extra factors from (1.0.8) eventually get absorbed
into the constant, with the same result as originally in the blueprint.
- The proof claims that (7.1.1) says that 𝒥 is a partition of X, but
(7.1.1) actually says that 𝒥 is a partition of the union of the dyadic
cubes; I don't see any assumption that the dyadic cubes cover all of X.
I changed the reference accordingly. (I noticed that the same claim
about 𝒥 being a partition of X is made in the proof of Lemma 7.2.3, but
I didn't edit that part.)
- Toward the end, the blueprint says "we have s(L) <= s(p) for all p,"
but I think that conclusion is only valid assuming L and p are not
disjoint. That doesn't cause any problems for the proof, because we have
nondisjointness in the relevant case; I edited the blueprint to avoid
the stronger claim.


Co-authored-by: Floris van Doorn <[email protected]>
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js2357 and fpvandoorn authored Jan 8, 2025
1 parent defeef9 commit 3298f74
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34 changes: 12 additions & 22 deletions Carleson/Classical/CarlesonOnTheRealLine.lean
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Expand Up @@ -164,42 +164,32 @@ lemma coeΘ_R (n : Θ ℝ) (x : ℝ) : n x = n * x := rfl
lemma coeΘ_R_C (n : Θ ℝ) (x : ℝ) : (n x : ℂ) = n * x := by norm_cast

lemma oscillation_control {x : ℝ} {r : ℝ} {f g : Θ ℝ} :
localOscillation (ball x r) (coeΘ f) (coeΘ g) ≤ dist_{x, r} f g := by
localOscillation (ball x r) (coeΘ f) (coeΘ g) ≤ ENNReal.ofReal (dist_{x, r} f g) := by
by_cases r_pos : r ≤ 0
· rw [ball_eq_empty.mpr r_pos]
unfold localOscillation
simp [dist_nonneg]
simp [localOscillation, norm_nonneg]
push_neg at r_pos
rw [dist_integer_linear_eq]
calc ⨆ z ∈ ball x r ×ˢ ball x r, |↑f * z.1 - ↑g * z.1 - ↑f * z.2 + ↑g * z.2|
_ = ⨆ z ∈ ball x r ×ˢ ball x r, (f - g) * (z.1 - x) - (f - g) * (z.2 - x) := by
simp_rw [dist_integer_linear_eq]
calc ⨆ z ∈ ball x r ×ˢ ball x r, ENNReal.ofReal ‖↑f * z.1 - ↑g * z.1 - ↑f * z.2 + ↑g * z.2
_ = ⨆ z ∈ ball x r ×ˢ ball x r, ENNReal.ofReal |(f - g) * (z.1 - x) - (f - g) * (z.2 - x)| := by
congr with z
congr with h
rw [Real.norm_eq_abs]
_ ≤ 2 * r * |↑f - ↑g| := by
apply Real.iSup_le
--TODO: investigate strange (delaborator) behavior - why is there still a sup?
on_goal 1 => intro z
on_goal 1 => apply Real.iSup_le
· intro hz
simp only [Set.mem_prod, mem_ball] at hz
rw [Real.dist_eq, Real.dist_eq] at hz
rw [Real.norm_eq_abs]
calc |(f - g) * (z.1 - x) - (f - g) * (z.2 - x)|
_ ≤ ENNReal.ofReal (2 * r * |↑f - ↑g|) := by
refine iSup₂_le (fun z hz ↦ ?_)
apply ENNReal.ofReal_le_of_le_toReal
rw [ENNReal.toReal_ofReal (by positivity)]
simp_rw [Set.mem_prod, mem_ball, Real.dist_eq] at hz
calc |(f - g) * (z.1 - x) - (f - g) * (z.2 - x)|
_ ≤ |(f - g) * (z.1 - x)| + |(f - g) * (z.2 - x)| := abs_sub ..
_ = |↑f - ↑g| * |z.1 - x| + |↑f - ↑g| * |z.2 - x| := by congr <;> apply abs_mul
_ ≤ |↑f - ↑g| * r + |↑f - ↑g| * r := by
· linarith [hz.1]
· linarith [hz.2]
_ = 2 * r * |↑f - ↑g| := by ring
apply mul_nonneg
apply abs_nonneg
_ ≤ 2 * max r 0 * |↑f - ↑g| := by
_ ≤ ENNReal.ofReal (2 * max r 0 * |↑f - ↑g|) := by
apply le_max_left

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24 changes: 20 additions & 4 deletions Carleson/Defs.lean
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Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ variable {𝕜 X : Type*} {A : ℕ} [_root_.RCLike 𝕜] [PseudoMetricSpace X]
section localOscillation

/-- The local oscillation of two functions w.r.t. a set `E`. This is `d_E` in the blueprint. -/
def localOscillation (E : Set X) (f g : C(X, 𝕜)) : ℝ :=
⨆ z ∈ E ×ˢ E, ‖f z.1 - g z.1 - f z.2 + g z.2
def localOscillation (E : Set X) (f g : C(X, 𝕜)) : ℝ0 :=
⨆ z ∈ E ×ˢ E, ENNReal.ofReal ‖f z.1 - g z.1 - f z.2 + g z.2

-- example (E : Set X) (hE : IsBounded E) (f : C(X, ℝ)) :
-- BddAbove (range fun z : E ↦ f z) := by
Expand All @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ variable {E : Set X} {f g : C(X, 𝕜)}
/-- A ball w.r.t. the distance `localOscillation` -/
def localOscillationBall (E : Set X) (f : C(X, 𝕜)) (r : ℝ) :
Set C(X, 𝕜) :=
{ g : C(X, 𝕜) | localOscillation E f g < r }
{ g : C(X, 𝕜) | localOscillation E f g < ENNReal.ofReal r }

end localOscillation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class CompatibleFunctions (𝕜 : outParam Type*) (X : Type u) (A : outParam ℕ
eq_zero : ∃ o : X, ∀ f : Θ, f o = 0
/-- The distance is bounded below by the local oscillation. (1.0.7) -/
localOscillation_le_cdist {x : X} {r : ℝ} {f g : Θ} :
localOscillation (ball x r) (coeΘ f) (coeΘ g) ≤ dist_{x, r} f g
localOscillation (ball x r) (coeΘ f) (coeΘ g) ≤ ENNReal.ofReal (dist_{x, r} f g)
/-- The distance is monotone in the ball. (1.0.9) -/
cdist_mono {x₁ x₂ : X} {r₁ r₂ : ℝ} {f g : Θ}
(h : ball x₁ r₁ ⊆ ball x₂ r₂) : dist_{x₁, r₁} f g ≤ dist_{x₂, r₂} f g
Expand All @@ -117,6 +117,22 @@ instance nonempty_Space [CompatibleFunctions 𝕜 X A] : Nonempty X := by
instance inhabited_Space [CompatibleFunctions 𝕜 X A] : Inhabited X :=

lemma le_localOscillation [CompatibleFunctions 𝕜 X A] (x : X) (r : ℝ) (f g : Θ X) {y z : X}
(hy : y ∈ ball x r) (hz : z ∈ ball x r) : ‖coeΘ f y - coeΘ g y - coeΘ f z + coeΘ g z‖ ≤
ENNReal.toReal (localOscillation (ball x r) (coeΘ f) (coeΘ g)) := by
rw [(ENNReal.toReal_ofReal (norm_nonneg _)).symm]
let f (z) := ⨆ (_ : z ∈ ball x r ×ˢ ball x r), ENNReal.ofReal ‖f z.1 - g z.1 - f z.2 + g z.2
apply ENNReal.toReal_mono
· exact lt_of_le_of_lt CompatibleFunctions.localOscillation_le_cdist ENNReal.ofReal_lt_top |>.ne
· exact le_of_eq_of_le (Eq.symm (iSup_pos ⟨hy, hz⟩)) (le_iSup f ⟨y, z⟩)

lemma oscillation_le_cdist [CompatibleFunctions 𝕜 X A] (x : X) (r : ℝ) (f g : Θ X) {y z : X}
(hy : y ∈ ball x r) (hz : z ∈ ball x r) :
‖coeΘ f y - coeΘ g y - coeΘ f z + coeΘ g z‖ ≤ dist_{x, r} f g := by
apply le_trans <| le_localOscillation x r f g hy hz
rw [← ENNReal.toReal_ofReal dist_nonneg]
exact ENNReal.toReal_mono ENNReal.ofReal_ne_top CompatibleFunctions.localOscillation_le_cdist

export CompatibleFunctions (localOscillation_le_cdist cdist_mono cdist_le le_cdist)

lemma dist_congr [FunctionDistances 𝕜 X] {x₁ x₂ : X} {r₁ r₂ : ℝ} {f g : Θ X}
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Carleson/DoublingMeasure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ lemma measure_real_ball_two_le_same (x : X) (r : ℝ) :
· exact ENNReal.mul_ne_top coe_ne_top
· exact measure_ball_two_le_same x r

lemma measure_real_ball_two_le_same_iterate (x : X) (r : ℝ) (n : ℕ) :
μ.real (ball x ((2 ^ n) * r)) ≤ A ^ n * μ.real (ball x r) := by
induction n with
| zero => simp
| succ m ih =>
simp_rw [add_comm m 1, pow_add, pow_one, mul_assoc]
exact le_trans (measure_real_ball_two_le_same x _) (by gcongr)

lemma measure_real_ball_pos [μ.IsOpenPosMeasure] (x : X) {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) :
0 < μ.real (ball x r) :=
toReal_pos ((measure_ball_pos μ x hr).ne.symm) (
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions Carleson/Forest.lean
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Expand Up @@ -65,15 +65,18 @@ lemma lt_dist (hu : u ∈ t) (hu' : u' ∈ t) (huu' : u ≠ u') {p} (hp : p ∈
lemma ball_subset (hu : u ∈ t) (hp : p ∈ t u) : ball (𝔠 p) (8 * D ^ 𝔰 p) ⊆ 𝓘 u :=
t.ball_subset' hu hp

-- Used in the proof of Lemma 7.1.4
variable {t} in
lemma ball_subset_of_mem_𝓘 (hu : u ∈ t) {p : 𝔓 X} (hp : p ∈ t u) {x : X} (hx : x ∈ 𝓘 p) :
ball x (4 * D ^ (𝔰 p)) ⊆ 𝓘 u := by
refine (ball_subset_ball' ?_).trans (t.ball_subset hu hp)
linarith [show dist x (𝔠 p) < 4 * D ^ (𝔰 p) from Grid_subset_ball hx]

lemma if_descendant_then_subset (hu : u ∈ t) (hp : p ∈ t u) : (𝓘 p : Set X) ⊆ 𝓘 u := by
calc ↑(𝓘 p)
_ ⊆ ball (𝔠 p) (4 * ↑D ^ 𝔰 p) := by
exact GridStructure.Grid_subset_ball (i := 𝓘 p)
_ ⊆ ball (𝔠 p) (8 * ↑D ^ 𝔰 p) := by
_ ⊆ ↑(𝓘 u) := by
exact ball_subset t hu hp
_ ⊆ ↑(𝓘 u) := ball_subset_of_mem_𝓘 hu hp Grid.c_mem_Grid

end Forest

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