###Configuration files, log files, buisness data The following directories can be loaded from the host to keep the data and configuration files out of the container:
PATH in container | Description |
/etc/dirvish | Directory of all dirvish configuration files. If this directory is empty on start default dirvish configuration is provided. |
/root | Store ssh key to use, and known ssh host fingerprints |
/var/log | Logging directory |
/backup | Storage directroy to use in dirvish jobs |
Tag name | Description |
latest | Latest stable version of the container |
stable | Latest stable version of the container |
dev | latest development version of the container. Do not use in production environments! |
To run the container and store the data and configuration on the local host run the following commands:
- Create storage directroy for the configuration files, log files and data. Also create a directroy to store the necessary script to create the docker container and replace it (if not using eg. watchtower)
mkdir /srv/docker/dirvish
mkdir /srv/docker-config/dirvish
- Create and store you ssh key
mkdir /srv/docker/dirvish/root
mkdir /srv/docker/dirvish/root/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
As storage directory use the created "/srv/docker/dirvish/root/.ssh" directory.
- Create the docker container and configure the docker networks for the container. I always create a script for that and store it under
touch /srv/docker-config/dirvish/create.sh
Content of create.sh:
docker pull foxcris/docker-dirvish
docker create\
--restart always\
--name dirvish\
--volume "/srv/docker/dirvish/etc/dirvish:/etc/dirvish"\
--volume "/srv/docker/dirvish/root:/root"\
--volume "/srv/docker/dirvish/var/log:/var/log"\
--volume "/srv/docker/dirvish/backup:/backup"\
- Create replace.sh to install/update the container. Store it in
touch /srv/docker-config/dirvish/replace.sh
docker stop dirvish
docker rm dirvish
docker start dirvish