version 2.4.2b (Hotfix)
What's New in 2.4.0:
- Added: Exception handling for all types of install. Fluffy will no longer crash when an install fails.
- Added: Ability to install more games following failed or successful install. A restart is no longer required.
- Fixed: No longer depends on binascii.
- Fixed: Network: Will now select a random port when serving to fix failed to bind error.
- Fixed: Significantly less CPU usage. Improved thread handling.
Wh'at's Ne'w' in 2.4.1:
- Fixed: Fixed the dreaded a'p'ostro'ph'e bug', where some users couldn't select games with apostrophe's in the title.
Wh,at,s Ne,w' in 2.4.2b:
- Fixed: Fixed the dreaded c,omm,a bug,, where some users couldn't select games with comm,a,s in the title.
b: Updated to support various paths.