Releases: fortmarek/SwipeViewController
Rewrite, Swift 5, Carthage improvements
This release is a refinement of the project with breaking changes - this library no longer depends on subclassing, but you can use the class as-is, any customization can be mode by modifying the instance.
Besides that, this project now uses Swift 5 and it also provides Carthage binary, so you can build your project quicker.
Otherwise, the functionality stays the same, enjoy! 😎
Fix Carthage support.
1.1 Shared scheme.
Selected Image
Now when you swipe you can easily change the color (or the whole image).
See details in README section.
SwipeButtons with Images
Now you can use SwipeButtons with images, take a look at the documentation.
Equal Spaces
Until now, when there was odd count of swipeButtons, the label was not centered. That now changes and you can simply do in your SwipeViewController:
equalSpaces = false
Of course you can still keep equal spaces, better for odd number of buttons.
Fix initial VC with index 0
0.1.3 Version 0.1.3
Quickly switching buttons error fixed, UIColor error fixed
For more stable app, I decided that the user won't be able to switch the buttons when there is already swiping animation underway. Also, the app doesn't crash when you just set the view controllers and nothing else.