My first shot at rust!
The idea was to make a fizzbuzz inspired program, but different. This is rustbuzz! It will generate two random numbers. If the first number is odd and the second one is even then it will print "rustacean"(rust+acean) and then you win. If you get any other combination like a aceanrust or rustrust, then you lose, I guess.
It will output something like
acean your number is 10
acean your number is 2
you got a aceanacean
no rustacean for you, your numbers were 10 2
or something like
rust your number is 5
acean your number is 6
you got a rustacean
wow, a rustacean! your numbers were 5 6
I am aware the code architecture is really unorthodox/terrible. My approach to making this program was basically just improvising and googling all the errors that came up.