A curated list of practical tips and tricks to help you achieve an awesome CS master thesis.
- Searching and indexing information
- Workflows
- Artifacts
- Experiments
- Writing
- Defending your thesis
- Mental health
- Women in STEM
- Tools
- Yet unsorted but awesome
- Acknowledgements
- Contribute
Searching for information can be a daunting task.
- google dorks - dorking, is a powerful technique to query search engines
- +Fravia's search lores - information is outdated, but still a valuable resource for searchers to understand the web
- Google scholar - your first place to go when looking for papers and patents
Stand on the shoulders of giants
- How to read a paper - powerful tips to understand papers, and save time.
Keep notes during meetings, and keep files organized and shareable.
- Effective Meeting Minutes
- Trello - A web-based kanban-like project management application.
- mindmaps
With great artifacts comes a great thesis, put a readme in every directory, and keep it tidy and understandable to others!
Making experiments easily replayable might be of help to your advisors to crack problems with you
- coding conventions - keep your code consistent and readable
- documentation - document where you can :)
- Elixir - a lightweight source referencer for C/C++ projects
- OpenGrok - source code/cross referencing engine
- silversearcher-ag - ditch your grep, silversearcher is a blazing fast code searching tool
- cscope - tool for browsing C source code
- ctags - generate
tag files
for different programming languages
Be proactive, carefully pick your next steps, don't be afraid of proposing and defending different solutions.
- AWS - you can use an amazon micro instance for free for 1 year ;)
Running benchmarks is a delicate part of your thesis, these resources will help you
- Benchmarking Crimes - This paper explores oversights in benchmarking
- PrettyWrite - Practical Thesis-writing Guidelines for Master Students
- How to write a research paper - these awesome tips also apply to your thesis
- BUGS in Writing - debug your writing skills
Almost there! がんばって!
Student mental health resources.
- Awesome mental health - curated list of resources
- BU CS resources - Women in Computer Science - useful resources for women in STEM.
- The Git Book - the git book
- Github Cheat Sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub
- Dropbox - Dropbox is a modern workspace designed to reduce busywork – so you can focus on the things that matter.
- Google Drive - Cloud Storage & File Backup for Photos, Docs & More
- Nextcloud - Open source cloud and collaboration platform based on ownCloud
- ownCloud - ownCloud is the largest Open Source Content Collaboration Platform in the world
- Zotero - Your personal research assistant
- Mendeley - Easy referencing
- JabRef - JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager
- Papis - A Python based command line manager
Check out your long running experiments
- Chrome Remote Desktop - a nice remote desktop software tool with multiplatform support (09/2018, Running on Ubuntu require some fiddling)
The content of this document is inspired by awesome people, go check them out.
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