A spotlight-like search for spotify, allows searching albums, artists, playlists and tracks and playing the selected item on Spotify client for macOS:
This app uses Spotify's search API, so you need to create a developer account in order to use it, go to Developer Dashboard and register, then create a client id and a secret.
install Hammerspoon - a powerfull automation tool for OS X
Download the latest release, and drag Hammerspoon.app from your Downloads folder to Applications.
brew install hammerspoon --cask
download spotify-search-and-play.spoon, unzip and double click on a .spoon file. It will be installed under
folder. -
open ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua and add the following snippet, adding your parameters:
-- Spotify search and play
client_id = '<your client id>',
secret = '<your secret>'
show={ {"alt"}, "S"}}
The above config will set up ⌥ + s to open the app.