Packtpub downloader is a script written in PHP that helps you claim your every day free eBook from
The script fetches the current free eBook from, it logs you in and claims it. You can find your new eBook in your account's library.
Please note, that you need to have a packtpub account to claim an eBook.
- Edit packtpub-downloader.php and set your credentials
- Run packtpub-downloader.php using the following command:
php -f packtpub-downloader.php
Tip: You can add it to your system cronjobs to automaticaly claim your free eBook every day.
The following example shows how to claim your eBook every day at 9am:
0 9 * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/files/packtpub-downloader.php >/dev/null 2>&1