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Srikant Sahoo edited this page Dec 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

πŸ‘‹πŸ» Welcome to the Protime wiki!

Protime is going to be the app that all KIITians will need to effectively and efficiently manage their academics.

Basic Major Features

  • γ€½ Your marks Predictor & Planner
  • πŸ› Your attendance tracker
  • 🏒 All Campus societies list and their details
  • πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« Details of all faculties and their contact details
  • πŸ•Έ Easily access your SAP portal
  • πŸ“š Access the full course syllabus inside the app
  • πŸ“† Access to all your Google Classrooms and your Google Calendar for your college TimeTable
  • πŸ“’ Notes saving & sharing among your classmates

All these features with the best possible UI.

Tech Stack to be used

  • Kotlin Multiplatform
  • Firebase
  • SQL
  • Python & Golang(for building API & scraping)

Future Plans

  • 🧩 Networking with seniors and your classmates/faculties directly through the app.
  • πŸ“± Support for iOS

Softwares required

Contributing Guidelines

  • Step 1: Fork the repository to your account.
  • Step 2: Create a new branch in your repo.
  • Step 3: clone your repository through the command line or Github Desktop. Make sure you have the required softwares.
  • Step 4: run commands
git log
git branch
// other commands to be written as per the requirements  
// Do all your changes  
  • Step 5: after doing all your changes run these commands one by one.
cd to_your_root_folder
git status
git add *
git commit -s -m ":an emoji: Your commit message"
git push
  • Step 6: Open Github Desktop to see all your changes and if you are satisfied the create a Pull Request to the main/master branch of Protime.
  • Step 7: Give a proper message of what changed. Add the required labels and issues, and tag the reviewers and submit it for review.
  • Step 8: Update both the Kanban boards
  1. Minor Project Tracker 6th semester
  2. Timeline 6th-semester minor project in the projects tab,
  3. As well as any issues associated with your change.

List of maintainers