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use working grammar-js-recursion, instead of experimental
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Nikos M committed Oct 26, 2015
1 parent 5d9bea9 commit dcad168
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 99 deletions.
187 changes: 88 additions & 99 deletions test/grammars/javascript-recursion.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,118 +1,107 @@
// 1. a partial javascript grammar in simple JSON format
var js_grammar = {

// prefix ID for regular expressions used in the grammar
"RegExpID" : "RE::",

"Extra" : {
"RegExpID" : "RE::",

"Extra" : {

"fold" : "brace"
"fold" : "brace"


// Style model
"Style" : {

"comment" : "comment"
,"atom" : "atom"
,"keyword" : "keyword"
,"builtin" : "keyword"
,"operator" : "operator"
,"identifier" : "variable"
,"property" : "attribute"
,"number" : "number"
,"string" : "string"
,"regex" : "string-2"
,"operator" : "variable-2"

"Style" : {

"comment" : "comment"
,"atom" : "atom"
,"keyword" : "keyword"
,"builtin" : "builtin"
,"operator" : "operator"
,"identifier" : "variable"
,"property" : "attribute"
,"number" : "number"
,"string" : "string"
,"regex" : "string-2"


// Lexical model
"Lex" : {

"comment:comment" : {"interleave":true,"tokens":[
// line comment
[ "//", null ],
// block comments
[ "/*", "*/" ]
,"identifier" : "RE::/[_A-Za-z$][_A-Za-z0-9$]*/"
,"number" : [
// floats
// integers
// hex
// binary
// octal
// decimal
// just zero
,"string:escaped-block" : ["RE::/(['\"])/", 1]
,"regex:escaped-line-block" : ["/", "RE::#/[gimy]{0,4}#"]
,"atom" : {"autocomplete":true,"meta":"JavaScript Atom","tokens":[
"true", "false",
"null", "undefined",
"NaN", "Infinity"
,"operator" : {"combine":false,"tokens":[
"+", "-", "++", "--", "%", ">>", "<<", ">>>",
"*", "/", "^", "|", "&", "!", "~",
">", "<", "<=", ">=", "!=", "!==",
"=", "==", "===", "+=", "-=", "%=",
">>=", ">>>=", "<<=", "*=", "/=", "|=", "&="
,"keyword" : {"autocomplete":true,"meta":"JavaScript Keyword","tokens":[
"if", "while", "with", "else", "do", "try", "finally",
"return", "break", "continue", "new", "delete", "throw",
"var", "const", "let", "function", "catch", "void",
"for", "switch", "case", "default", "class", "import", "yield",
"in", "typeof", "instanceof", "?", ":"
,"builtin" : {"autocomplete":true,"meta":"JavaScript Builtin","tokens":[
"Object", "Function", "Array", "String",
"Date", "Number", "RegExp", "Math", "Exception",
"setTimeout", "setInterval", "parseInt", "parseFloat",
"isFinite", "isNan", "alert", "prompt", "console",
"window", "global", "this"
,"builtin_property" : {"autocomplete":true,"meta":"JavaScript Builtin Property","tokens":[
,"ctx:action" : {"context":true}
,"\\ctx:action" : {"context":false}
,"_match:action" : {"push":"$0"}
,"match_bra:action" : {"pop":"{","msg":"Bracket \"$0\" does not match"}
,"match_paren:action" : {"pop":"(","msg":"Bracket \"$0\" does not match"}
,"match_bpa:action" : {"pop":"[","msg":"Bracket \"$0\" does not match"}
,"unique_in_scope:action" : {"unique":["prop","$1"],"in-context":true,"msg":"Duplicate object property \"$0\""}
"Lex" : {

"comment:comment" : {"interleave":true,"tokens":[
// line comment
[ "//", null ],
// block comments
[ "/*", "*/" ]
,"identifier" : "RE::/[_A-Za-z$][_A-Za-z0-9$]*/"
,"number" : [
// floats
// integers
// hex
// binary
// octal
// decimal
// just zero
,"string:escaped-block" : [ "RE::/(['\"])/", 1 ]
,"regex:escaped-line-block" : [ "/", "RE::#/[gimy]{0,4}#" ]
,"atom" : {"autocomplete":true,"meta":"JavaScript Atom","tokens":[
"true", "false",
"null", "undefined",
"NaN", "Infinity"
,"keyword" : {"autocomplete":true,"meta":"JavaScript Keyword","tokens":[
"if", "while", "with", "else", "do", "try", "finally",
"return", "break", "continue", "new", "delete", "throw",
"var", "const", "let", "function", "catch",
"for", "switch", "case", "default",
"in", "typeof", "instanceof"
,"builtin" : {"autocomplete":true,"meta":"JavaScript Builtin","tokens":[
"Object", "Function", "Array", "String", "Date", "Number", "RegExp", "Exception",
"setTimeout", "setInterval", "alert", "console", 'window', 'prototype', 'constructor'
,"other" : "RE::/\\S+/"

,"ctx:action" : {"context":true}
,"\\ctx:action" : {"context":false}
,"match_b:action" : {"push":"}"}
,"match_p:action" : {"push":")"}
,"match_p2:action" : {"push":"]"}
,"\\match:action" : {"pop":"$0","msg":"Brackets do not match"}
,"unique:action" : {"unique":["prop","$1"],"msg":"Duplicate object property \"$0\"","in-context":true}


// Syntax model (optional)
"Syntax" : {

"obj_property" : "string | /0|[1-9][0-9]*/.number | identifier"
,"dot_property" : "'.' (builtin_property.builtin |"
,"bra_property" : "'[' _match expression ']' match_bpa"
,"with_property" : "dot_property | bra_property"
,"value" : "builtin | string | regex | identifier | array | object"
,"property_value" : "(builtin_property.builtin | unique_in_scope ':' expression"
,"object" : "'{' ctx _match (property_value (',' property_value)*)? '}' match_bra \\ctx"
,"array" : "'[' _match (expression (',' expression)*)? ']' match_bpa"
,"brackets_matched" : "'{' _match | '}' match_bra | '(' _match | ')' match_paren | '[' _match | ']' match_bpa"
,"expression" : "('(' _match)? ((atom | number | value with_property*) (operator expression)?)? (')' match_paren)?"
,"js" : "comment | keyword | expression | brackets_matched"
"Syntax" : {

"literalProperty1" : "string | /0|[1-9][0-9]*/ | identifier"
// back-reference, should be handled
,"literalProperty" : "literalProperty1"
,"literalValue" : "atom | string | regex | number | identifier | literalArray | literalObject"
// here, modifier should apply to all of "literalProperty1", via back-reference chain
,"literalPropertyValue" : " unique ':' literalValue"
// grammar recursion here
,"literalObject" : "'{' match_b ctx (literalPropertyValue (',' literalPropertyValue)*)? '}' \\match \\ctx"
// grammar recursion here
,"literalArray" : "'[' match_p2 (literalValue (',' literalValue)*)? ']' \\match"
,"brackets" : "'{' match_b | '}' \\match | '(' match_p | ')' \\match | '[' match_p2 | ']' \\match"
,"js" : "comment | number | string | regex | keyword | operator | atom | literalObject | literalArray | brackets | other"


// what to parse and in what order
"Parser" : [ ["js"] ]
"Parser" : [ ["js"] ]


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