Libspiro, version 0.2.20130930.
Spiro is the creation of Raph Levien, which simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves.
Libspiro is a shareable library that can be used by programs to do the Spiro computations for you.
Improvements you may notice in this release (compared to Libspiro 20071029) are:
- libspiro will try harder to create curves before giving-up on the really hard curves.
- code optimizations so that some numbers aren't re-computed (summary, should run a bit faster).
- A few error checks, such as making sure memory is allocated, otherwise fail gracefully.
- Checks for inifinte values are done, so that user code doesn't need to test for this now.
- 2 enhanced functions which return pass/fail. Backwards compatibility is maintained.
- configure now has options that were only accessible in code earlier, such as VERBOSE, UNITTEST.
- 'make check' allows you to test this new libspiro before you do a 'make install'
- tests/call-test.c includes example code that may help developers who are interested in creating programs that use libspiro.