Keyword all - allowed by backend. Refs UICIRC-506.
Update version of feesfines
okapi interface to v16.0
Modifier ! (not) - preceding value entered for a criteria, means any value except. Refs UICIRC-507.
Add Allow recalls to extend overdue loans
setting. Refs UICIRC-525.
Duplicate patron notice template names allowed - case is not considered in validation. Refs UICIRC-528.
Circ rules editor does not generate space as expected when adding criteria to multiple criteria rule. Refs UICIRC-488.
Add aged to lost triggers to notice policy. Refs UICIRC-515.
Add a staff slips token for patron comments. Refs UICIRC-523.
Add fee/fine action tokens to template with fee/fine charge or adjustment. Refs UICIRC-537.
Add separate aged to lost settings for recalled items in lost item fee policies. Refs UICIRC-529.
First field should be in focus for all forms in circulation settings. Refs UICIRC-541.
Consistent UI for circulation settings. Refs UICIRC-542.
Update to stripes v6. Refs UICIRC-543.
Move moment from a regular to a peer and dev dependencies. Refs UICIRC-513.
Order of settings when viewing Lost Item Fee Policy not same as new/edit order. Refs UICIRC-531.
Update to stripes-cli v2.0.0
. Refs UICIRC-547.
You can’t perform that action at this time.