This release includes MARC notes feature and improvements/bug fixes.
Technical tasks
- MODBULKOPS-384 Support Eureka permissions model for bulk operations (write operations)
- MODBULKOPS-370 Upgrade
to 8.0 - MODBULKOPS-361 Rename module permissions
- MODBULKOPS-358 Add permissions to specify bulk-edit operations
- MODBULKOPS-350 API version update
- MODBULKOPS-344 Improve clients invocation logs
- MODBULKOPS-331 Optimisation of FQM query invocation
- MODBULKOPS-328 Update bulk-edit interface version
- MODBULKOPS-314 Central tenant edit permissions handling
- MODBULKOPS-306 Bump the FQM interface dependency versions in mod-bulk-operations
- MODBULKOPS-375 Retrieve MARC record from SRS after completion of bulk edit
- MODBULKOPS-360 Include Tentant in columns selection
- MODBULKOPS-351 Synchronize data used for bulk edit of MARC fields between “Bulk edit“ and “Inventory“ apps
- MODBULKOPS-329 Include tenantId in Item's and Holdings' Notes names in ECS
- MODBULKOPS-323 Update 005 in preview records on Are you sure form
- MODBULKOPS-313 Importing errors processing
- MODBULKOPS-312 Data Import client
- MODBULKOPS-311 Import profile creating
- MODBULKOPS-308 Investigate a better way to notify about S3 connectivity issues
- MODBULKOPS-279 FQM flow: tenant information populating
- MODBULKOPS-273 Instances, Items, holding - UpdateProcessor extension to support tenant information
- MODBULKOPS-272 Identifiers flow: entities tenant information support
- MODBULKOPS-262 If the note type name contains special characters, display the note type value
- MODBULKOPS-254 MARC Instance - InstanceDataProcessor extending
- MODBULKOPS-249 MARC Instance - Confirmation screen (MarcInstanceUpdateProcessor)
- MODBULKOPS-248 MARC Instance - Download MARC Preview
- MODBULKOPS-246 MARC Instance - Find and Replace
- MODBULKOPS-245 MARC Instance - Find and Remove Field or Subfield
- MODBULKOPS-244 MARC Instance - Find and Append Subfield
- MODBULKOPS-243 MARC Instance - Add New Field
- MODBULKOPS-204 Item record's column names cleanup
- MODBULKOPS-355 "Are you sure" preview displays outdated values after User changed selection on bulk edit form and clicked "Confirm changes"
- MODBULKOPS-348 For bulk edit of MARC fields “Are you sure“ preview is populated based on .mrc file
- MODBULKOPS-345 Holdings fail to be bulk edited from Central tenant
- MODBULKOPS-342 Incorrect display of Instance notes in the Preview of record matched when order of the notes differ in .csv file and Preview
- MODBULKOPS-324 404 Not Found error on Confirmation screen when bulk edit Items via Central tenant
- MODBULKOPS-321 "Are you sure" form is uploading for unexpectedly long time when bulk edit is going to complete with many errors
- MODBULKOPS-303 Error accordion disappears after refreshing the page
- MODBULKOPS-290 422 Unprocessable Entity error for MARC instances with Instance notes