C implementation of the stow tool for managing symbolic links.
CStow - Stow re implemented in C
cstow (-S|-R|-D) [FLAGS] <package_dir>
--target, -t <target_dir> - Target is the base destination for the symlinks [Default: ./]
--stow, -S - Creates symlinks in Target linking to respective files in Package
--delete, -D - Deletes all symlinks in Target refering to the files in Package
--restow, -R - Same as a Delete followed by a Stow
--verbose, -v - Shows actions being taken
--mkdir, -d - Don't symlink directories, make them instead
--force, -f - Delete and ReStow will delete files even if they're not symlinks
--dry - Print, and don't execute any actions against the filesystem (implies verbose)
--help, -h - This message (you just did it)
If the indentation appears a bit off, it's because I set my NeoVim's tabstop
to 3 (you can check the .clang-format
My project, my rules. :)