user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ ./mvnw clean package
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ ./mvnw install dockerfile:build
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ docker push fmrtl73/px-jpa-rest
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
Start the client container and create the people database
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ docker run -it --rm --link some-postgres:postgres postgres psql -h postgres -U postgres
create database people;
Run the rest api and create a record
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ java -jar target/px-jpa-rest-0.1.0.jar
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"firstName\": \"Francois\",\"lastName\": \"Martel\",\"address\": {\"line1\": \"465 Washington\",\"line2\": \"apt-3425\",\"city\": \"Kansas\",\"state\": \"Texas\",\"zipcode\": \"03452\"}}" http://localhost:8080/people
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ curl http://localhost:8080/people
Create a portworx storage class with repl3 and use helm to deploy Postgres and pass in the storage class name
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ kubectl create -f k8s-yaml/px-repl3-sc.yaml
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ helm install --name px-psql --set postgresUser=postgres,postgresPassword=password,persistence.storageClass=px-repl3-sc stable/postgresql
Create the people database
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default px-psql-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ kubectl run --namespace default px-psql-postgresql-client --restart=Never --rm --tty -i --image postgres --env "PGPASSWORD=$PGPASSWORD" --command -- psql -U postgres -h px-psql-postgresql postgres
create database people;
Deploy rest api
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ kubectl create -f k8s-yaml/psql.yaml
Get the svc IP and curl some data
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ PSQL_SERVICE_IP=`kubectl get svc | grep jpa-rest-api | awk '{print $3}'`
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"firstName\": \"Francois\",\"lastName\": \"Martel\",\"address\": {\"line1\": \"465 Washington\",\"line2\": \"apt-3425\",\"city\": \"Kansas\",\"state\": \"Texas\",\"zipcode\": \"03452\"}}" http://$PSQL_SERVICE_IP:8080/people
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ curl http://$PSQL_SERVICE_IP:8080/people
Find out and set your ETCD_HOST_URL, you can also have the patroni chart deploy etcd for you by removing the Etcd.Host=$ETCD_HOST_URL and Etcd.DeployChart=false settings in the helm command below. There is no way to set the storage class for the Patroni deployed ETCD however, which is why pointing to an existing ETCD may be required.
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ ETCD_HOST_URL=
Create a repliced deployment of Postgres using Patroni helm chart
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ kubectl create -f k8s-yaml/px-repl2-sc.yaml
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ helm repo add incubator
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ helm install --name px --set persistentVolume.storageClass=px-repl2-sc,Etcd.Host=$ETCD_HOST_URL,Etcd.DeployChart=false,Replicas=3 incubator/patroni
Deploy the rest api
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ kubectl create -f k8s-yaml/patroni.yaml
Get the svc IP and curl some data
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ PSQL_SERVICE_IP=`kubectl get svc | grep jpa-rest-api | awk '{print $3}'`
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"firstName\": \"Francois\",\"lastName\": \"Martel\",\"address\": {\"line1\": \"465 Washington\",\"line2\": \"apt-3425\",\"city\": \"Kansas\",\"state\": \"Texas\",\"zipcode\": \"03452\"}}" http://$PSQL_SERVICE_IP:8080/people
user@host:~/px-jpa-rest$ curl http://$PSQL_SERVICE_IP:8080/people