This is a modification of the Adafruit SPI TFT LCD Arduino library, customised to run Directly on the ESP8266 using hardware (or software) SPI for the QDTech 1.8" 128x160 pixel LCD board that uses a Samsung S6D02A1 chip.
Video of it in action:
It is for use with the Arduino IDE ESP board manager add-on. that can fe found here:
Using the hardware SPI pins is highly recommeneded.
Unzip and change the folder name to "QDTech_8266". Copy the folder into your /libraries/ folder.
You will also need the newest stock "Adafruit_GFX" library.
The initialisation sequence comes from Henning Karlsen's UTFT library.
Includes code from Gilchrist 30/1/2014 and Norm8332 - 10/9/2015