Stable Version 0.11.0
Immerse yourself with advanced navigational capabilities as we introduce vertical navigation to the Stable Version of the A32NX. We have refined various crucial flight instruments, bolstered the FMS with comprehensive updates, and introduced new realistic simulations of systems involving cross bleed engine starts and air conditioning.
We're also excited to introduce updates to the flyPadOS with more reliable weather data from NOAA, new functionality, and cosmetic upgrades.
Please read before flying: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/latest-release/
Note: Throttle calibration is now required.
Guide: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/throttle/
Download using our installer: https://api.flybywiresim.com/installer
Our installation guide: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/installation/
SimBridge Guides: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/simbridge/
Support Guide: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/support/
Known Issues and Workarounds: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/reported-issues/
Note: Not Available on MSFS Marketplace.