Pulse Chess 1.5
Pulse Chess has a twin! I have ported the Java code base to C++ using the exact same feature set. Both editions share most of the code lines and should perform equally well. In addition to this new edition, I removed a lot of features which had confused some developers. Enjoy!
Release Notes
- [PULSE-41] - Add skeleton files for Pulse C++ Edition
- [PULSE-42] - Add Pulse C++ Edition
- [PULSE-46] - Add perft as command line argument
- [PULSE-47] - Add Tempo
- [PULSE-45] - Refactor Java code to match C++ code base
- [PULSE-51] - Do move legality check in search
- [PULSE-43] - Remove VersionInfo for simplicity
- [PULSE-44] - Remove Configuration for simplicity
- [PULSE-48] - Remove tapered eval for simplicity
- [PULSE-49] - Remove castling evaluation for simplicity
- [PULSE-50] - Remove staged move generator
- [PULSE-52] - Remove check extensions