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@misos1 misos1 tagged this 05 Nov 20:54
Camera plugin was crashing when I tried to set fps to 60 on most media presets (except maybe on 1280x720, although tested device supports 60 fps for up to 1920x1440 and can do 240 fps on 1280x720) because when is `activeVideoMinFrameDuration` and `activeVideoMaxFrameDuration` set to fps outside of what active format supports it throws exception. Now it tries to find a format which supports fps closest to wanted fps and clamps it if it cannot be set to exact value to prevent crashes. It searches for formats with the exact same resolution. For example in format list it can be like "1920x1080 { 3- 30 fps}", "1920x1080 { 3- 60 fps}" and "1920x1080 { 6-120 fps}, but when setting `sessionPreset` then "1920x1080 { 3- 30 fps}" is selected by default. On the tested device there are 2 "media subtypes" `420f` and `420v` for each format where the first is denoted as "supports wide color" in debug description and the system has tendency to choose this one. So it tries to preserve the media subtype to what is preferred by the system and this is also added to `highestResolutionFormatForCaptureDevice` (with lower priority than max resolution/fps). Also there was nested `lockForConfiguration` and `unlockForConfiguration` when using `ResolutionPreset.max` together with setting up fps.
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