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[google_identity_services_web] Set nonce properly in loadWebSdk(). (#…
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This PR adds logic to `google_identity_services_web/lib/src/js_loader.dart` to cause the `nonce` property to be property set when creating new script elements.
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stereotype441 authored Nov 14, 2024
1 parent 4d0673c commit 4e1942e
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Showing 5 changed files with 136 additions and 8 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions packages/google_identity_services_web/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
## 0.3.2

* Adds the `nonce` parameter to `loadWebSdk`.

## 0.3.1+5

* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.22/Dart 3.4.
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,15 @@ extension CreateScriptUrlNoArgs on web.TrustedTypePolicy {
String input,

/// This extension gives web.HTMLScriptElement a nullable getter to the
/// `nonce` property, which needs to be used to check for feature support.
extension NullableNonceGetter on web.HTMLScriptElement {
/// (Nullable) Bindings to HTMLScriptElement.nonce.
/// This may be null if the browser doesn't support the Nonce API.
/// See:
external String? get nullableNonce;
50 changes: 46 additions & 4 deletions packages/google_identity_services_web/lib/src/js_loader.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,10 +16,22 @@ const String _url = '';
// The default TrustedPolicy name that will be used to inject the script.
const String _defaultTrustedPolicyName = 'gis-dart';

// Sentinel value to tell apart when users explicitly set the nonce value to `null`.
const String _undefined = '___undefined___';

/// Loads the GIS SDK for web, using Trusted Types API when available.
/// This attempts to use Trusted Types when available, and creates a new policy
/// with the given [trustedTypePolicyName].
/// By default, the script will attempt to copy the `nonce` attribute from other
/// scripts in the page. The [nonce] parameter will be used when passed, and
/// not-null. When [nonce] parameter is explicitly `null`, no `nonce`
/// attribute is applied to the script.
Future<void> loadWebSdk({
web.HTMLElement? target,
String trustedTypePolicyName = _defaultTrustedPolicyName,
String? nonce = _undefined,
}) {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
onGoogleLibraryLoad = () => completer.complete();
Expand All @@ -42,21 +54,51 @@ Future<void> loadWebSdk({

final web.HTMLScriptElement script =
web.document.createElement('script') as web.HTMLScriptElement
..async = true
..defer = true;
final web.HTMLScriptElement script = web.HTMLScriptElement()
..async = true
..defer = true;
if (trustedUrl != null) {
script.trustedSrc = trustedUrl;
} else {
script.src = _url;

if (_getNonce(suppliedNonce: nonce) case final String nonce?) {
script.nonce = nonce;

(target ?? web.document.head!).appendChild(script);

return completer.future;

/// Computes the actual nonce value to use.
/// If [suppliedNonce] has been explicitly passed, returns that.
/// If `suppliedNonce` is null, it attempts to locate the `nonce`
/// attribute from other script in the page.
String? _getNonce({String? suppliedNonce, web.Window? window}) {
if (suppliedNonce != _undefined) {
return suppliedNonce;

final web.Window currentWindow = window ?? web.window;
final web.NodeList elements =

for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements.item(i) case final web.HTMLScriptElement element) {
// Chrome may return an empty string instead of null.
final String nonce =
element.nullableNonce ?? element.getAttribute('nonce') ?? '';
if (nonce.isNotEmpty) {
return nonce;
return null;

/// Exception thrown if the Trusted Types feature is supported, enabled, and it
/// has prevented this loader from injecting the JS SDK.
class TrustedTypesException implements Exception {
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/google_identity_services_web/pubspec.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: google_identity_services_web
description: A Dart JS-interop layer for Google Identity Services. Google's new sign-in SDK for Web that supports multiple types of credentials.
version: 0.3.1+5
version: 0.3.2

sdk: ^3.4.0
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76 changes: 73 additions & 3 deletions packages/google_identity_services_web/test/js_loader_test.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,16 +25,19 @@ import 'package:web/web.dart' as web;

void main() {
group('loadWebSdk (no TrustedTypes)', () {
final web.HTMLDivElement target =
web.document.createElement('div') as web.HTMLDivElement;
final web.HTMLDivElement target = web.HTMLDivElement();

tearDown(() {

test('Injects script into desired target', () async {
// This test doesn't simulate the callback that completes the future, and
// the code being tested runs synchronously.
unawaited(loadWebSdk(target: target));

// Target now should have a child that is a script element
final web.Node? injected = target.firstChild;
final web.Node? injected = target.firstElementChild;
expect(injected, isNotNull);
expect(injected, isA<web.HTMLScriptElement>());

Expand All @@ -54,6 +57,73 @@ void main() {

await expectLater(loadFuture, completes);

group('`nonce` parameter', () {
test('can be set', () async {
const String expectedNonce = 'some-random-nonce';
unawaited(loadWebSdk(target: target, nonce: expectedNonce));

// Target now should have a child that is a script element
final web.HTMLScriptElement script =
target.firstElementChild! as web.HTMLScriptElement;
expect(script.nonce, expectedNonce);

test('defaults to a nonce set in other script of the page', () async {
const String expectedNonce = 'another-random-nonce';
final web.HTMLScriptElement otherScript = web.HTMLScriptElement()
..nonce = expectedNonce;

// This test doesn't simulate the callback that completes the future, and
// the code being tested runs synchronously.
unawaited(loadWebSdk(target: target));

// Target now should have a child that is a script element
final web.HTMLScriptElement script =
target.firstElementChild! as web.HTMLScriptElement;
expect(script.nonce, expectedNonce);


test('when explicitly set overrides the default', () async {
const String expectedNonce = 'third-random-nonce';
final web.HTMLScriptElement otherScript = web.HTMLScriptElement()
..nonce = 'this-is-the-wrong-nonce';

// This test doesn't simulate the callback that completes the future, and
// the code being tested runs synchronously.
unawaited(loadWebSdk(target: target, nonce: expectedNonce));

// Target now should have a child that is a script element
final web.HTMLScriptElement script =
target.firstElementChild! as web.HTMLScriptElement;
expect(script.nonce, expectedNonce);


test('when null disables the feature', () async {
final web.HTMLScriptElement otherScript = web.HTMLScriptElement()
..nonce = 'this-is-the-wrong-nonce';

// This test doesn't simulate the callback that completes the future, and
// the code being tested runs synchronously.
unawaited(loadWebSdk(target: target, nonce: null));

// Target now should have a child that is a script element
final web.HTMLScriptElement script =
target.firstElementChild! as web.HTMLScriptElement;

expect(script.nonce, isEmpty);
expect(script.hasAttribute('nonce'), isFalse);


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