這是一個串接 OpenAI GPT-3.5 API 與 Line 的聊天機器人,可連續對話並儲存設定。不論是想獲得一隻機器貓貓或體驗一下被渣的感覺,AI 都能實現你的願望!可使用以下指令:
- "/command" 叫出指令選單、查看目前設定檔
- "/set: 設定描述" 設定 AI 角色或功能
- "/save: 設定檔名稱" 儲存當前設定
- "/read: 設定檔名稱" 讀取指定設定檔
- "/delete: 設定檔名稱" 刪除指定設定檔
- 建立 OpenAI 帳戶,取得 API KEY
- 建立 Line Bot Channel,取得 Secret 與 Token
- 下載 Ngrok,以便在本地實現 https 連線進行測試
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/flowerhahaha/linebot-openai.git
- Install the required dependencies
npm install
- Install nodemon
npm i nodemon
- Set environment variables in .env file according to .env.example
- Start ngrok in the directory where ngrok is located.
ngrok http 3000
- Append /webhook to the URL provided by ngrok, and paste to the webhook link in the Line console.
- Start the server
npm run dev
- Execute successfully if seeing following message
App is running on http://localhost:3000
- Runtime: node @ 16.14.2
- Framework: express @ 4.18.2
- Check package.json for other dependencies