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Releases: flowCRANE/SparseList

Tester v0.1

18 May 17:25
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A console tool for performing performance tests on all four containers:

  • vector,
  • simple linked list (classic implementation),
  • sparse linked list,
  • sparse dynamic linked list.

The measurement results are displayed in the form of a high resolution clock tick count and a multiplier. Since performance tests are performed against sparse linked list, the multipliers are relative to it (the multiplier for sparse linked list is always 1.00x). Instances of all containers are created once and tests for adding items, inserting and deleting items, as well as sorting are performed sequentially on them. After each test that modifies the contents of the containers, an iteration test is performed over its items in both directions.

How to perform the test

  1. Download the file and extract it.
  2. Run the tester_cmem.exe or tester_rtl.exe tool (from explorer or console).
  3. Enter the number of items/nodes that will be added to the containers:
    3.1. The minimum is 1,
    3.2. The maximum is 524,288,
    3.3. Reasonable number is between 1,000 and 50,000,
    3.4. Enter 0 to quit.
  4. Enter the number of nodes per segment (does not apply to vector):
    4.1. The minimum is 1,
    4.2. The maximum is 8,192,
    4.3. Reasonable number is between 64 and 512.
  5. Wait for the tests to be performed and the table with the measurement results to be printed.
  6. Once the tests are complete, execution will return to step 3.