Analyzes files using the Semgrep static analysis engine. See available rulesets in the Semgrep Registry.
cd ament_semgrep
python3 install
Runs Semgrep recursively on the current directory. If run without specifying output file, prints the errors found and error count to the screen.
Get output file in json
ament_semgrep -f=json -o=semgrep-results.json
Get xunit
formatted results:
ament_semgrep --xunit-file xunit-results.xml
Apply only Python registry ruleset to project:
ament_semgrep -c=p/python
The ament_semgrep tool has the following command line options:
usage: ament_semgrep [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT] [-x [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]]
[--xunit-file XUNIT_FILE] [--semgrep-version] [paths [paths ...]]
Analyze source code using the Semgrep static analyzer.
positional arguments:
paths Files and/or directories to be checked. Directories are searched
recursively for files ending in ending in '.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx',
'.h', '.hh', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.py', '.sh', '.bash', '.xml', '.yaml',
'.json'. (default: ['.'])
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-f --format Specify output format
-c, --config Configuration file or Semgrep Registry entry name.
(default: auto. Automatically fetch rules from the Registry
tailored to your project)
-o --output Write report to filename
-x [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]], --exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]
Exclude files from being checked. (default: None)
--xunit-file XUNIT_FILE
Generate a xunit compliant XML file (default: None)
--semgrep-version Get the Semgrep version, print it, and then exit
CMake integration is provided by the package ament_cmake_semgrep.