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Mobile Flash Cards

This is the React Native project for the Udacity React Nanodegree.

Open Demo

Tested on iPhoneX



  • npm install
  • npm start

In a different Terminal:

  • react-native run-ios

Node version 8.0.0



  • Uses AsyncStorage to persist data.
  • Uses Redux to manage application state.

Note: It starts up with Demo Data, and more can be added from there.


1) Decks List (Initial Screen)

  • Displays a List of all the Decks showing how many cards each have.
  • Displays a button to create a new deck, and that happens in the same screen. New decks receive a random color assigned.

2) Single Deck

  • A Specific screen for each Deck, showing the title, using the deck color, showing the amount of cards and 2 actions:
  • Button to Create a new card on this deck.
  • If there are cards already assigned, there's a button to run a Study Quiz.

3) Create Card

  • Form with different fields to create a new card.
  • The Deck dropdown is populated with the Deck Title, additionally, if this screen is accessed from the "Extras" screen, this field will be empty and a modal will show up enabling the Deck selection.
  • There are fields to add the Right question, and a "repeatable" field to add 1 or more Wrong questions. These will be used to create the quiz card.
  • Fields validate.
  • After the card was added, it navigates to the previous screen. If it was the Deck's screen, the Card Amount value gets updated.

4) Study Quiz

  • There are 2 types of quiz: When it's triggered from a specific Deck, it uses all cards from that deck. When it comes from the "Extras" screen, it will mix all cards from all decks, and show 5 random ones.
  • The activity consists in 1 card at a time, with a question, and a suggested answer, and the user has to pick if it's "Correct" or "Incorrect".
  • Only the Question is shown at first, and there's a button to flip the card and show the suggested answer and the voting buttons.
  • After all the cards have been voted, the score is calculated and the Score Screen shows up.

5) Score Screen:

  • Final screen in the Study Quiz, it has 3 emoticons to show depending on the percentage.
  • If it's a Specific Deck quiz, it will show a button to Go Back to the deck.
  • In both Study Quiz types, it shows a button to Play Again, restarting the quiz in the given context.

6) Extras:

  • Shows a button to Create a New Card, without specifying for which Deck. (Let's the user pick)
  • Shows a button to Play a Random Quiz with 5 cards.


A Local Notification is setup to remind the user to Study every day at 8pm.


This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.


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