If you have good idea with this project, please contact me, I will be glad to see your mail! :)
- Developer: FloatFlower.Huang
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://blog.floatflower.me
- Import javascript file to you html file:
<script type= text/javascript src="/path/to/ffshelf.min.js"></script>
- Declare a component what you want
<div id="app">
<button v-on:click="openFFshelf">Open</button>
<ffshelf category-url="/the/url/returns/cateogry-list" v-on:confirm="onConfirm" ref="instance1"></ffshelf>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
// ... whatever ...
methods: {
openFFshelf: function() {
onConfirm: function(files) {
// the "files" parameter is an array contains the file we selected.
components: {
'ffshelf': FFShelf
Some data is required in response body:
"id": "CATEGORY_ID",
"name": "CATEGORY_NAME",
"icon": "CATEGORY_ICON",
"postUrl": "POST_FILE_URL"
field | value | required? | detail |
id | string, the identifier of the category. | required | This field is CRUCIAL data, because it used by cache array. |
name | string, the name of the category. | required | This field is IMPORTANT data, it used to show the category name. |
icon | string, the icon of the category. | optional | You can use fontawesome, ionicons, or other font icon, but keep in mind that you should import the css or js by yourself. |
getUrl | string, the url to get the category list | required | The field is CRUCIAL data, the component will request the url to get the list of files in the category. |
postUrl | string, the url to upload files to the category. | optional | If the parameter is defined, the component will allow user to upload file via this component. |
"filename": "FILENAME",
"filetype": "FILETYPE",
"fileurl": "FILE_URL"
field | value | required? | detail |
filename | string, the display name of the file. | required | The filename will be display in file list item. |
filetype | string, the icon of the file. | optional | The icon that represent the file type. |
fileurl | string, the url of the file. | required | The real url of the file. |
- png/jpg/bmp/gif/svg, use "picture" keyword for default picture icon.
- zip/7z/rar/iso, use "compress" keyword for default compressed file icon.
- document/ppt/els/ppt/csv/txt, use "file" keyword for default file icon.
- if the component get the file type unknown, it will use "file" icon.
The library build with rollup:
- If you want to build js file with watching files change, use:
npm run rollup-watch
- If you want to build one time, use:
npm run rollup