Influence the light when the script is running:
mosquitto_pub -t "sternenhimmel/group/b" -m '{"on": true, "amplitude": 1, "frequency": 0.5}' -r
ssh [email protected]
cd sternenhimmel
git pull
sudo systemctl restart sternenhimmel
Enable logging output
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/zigbee2mqtt.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart zigbee2mqtt
journalctl -fu zigbee2mqtt
Allow devices to join within 120 seconds:
mosquitto_pub -t "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/request/permit_join" -m '{"value": true, "time": 120}'
You should see the device ID. Use it to give your device a friendly name.
More details:
Switches need to be named switch/XXX
, whereby each X corresponds to a group named by letter X.
Brightness switches are named switch/brightness/XXX
Frequency switches are named switch/frequency/XXX
Lights need to be named light/XN
, whereby X is the group (single letter) and N a number.
You can adjust the friendly names by editing the file /opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/configuration.yaml
OR, to avoid restarting the service, rename on the fly. "from" can be friendly name or IEEE ID. Change will be persisted to configuration file automatically.
mosquitto_pub -t "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/request/device/rename" -m '{"from": "switch/c", "to": "switch/brightness/cd"}'
# OR, use device ID
mosquitto_pub -t "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/request/device/rename" -m '{"from": "0xec1bbdfffe59bc53", "to": "switch/frequency/ab"}'