Releases: flexlixrup/pulsar-client-swift
This release fixes the tests to work on CI.
- No features in this release.
- Tests now run again
Known issues
- The producer does not store messages which were sent unsuccessfully | #2.
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This release adds the possibility to use mTLS encryption as well as authentication as well as a new way to configure the client and proper error handling.
- mTLS encryption and authentication now available.
- Error responses from the server are now handled properly and get, in some cases, escalated to the user of the library if a reconnection won't fix the issue.
- BREAKING!: The client now gets configured via a ClientConfiguration struct.
- No fixes in this release.
Known issues
- The producer does not store messages which were sent unsuccessfully | #2.
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This release adds some missing primitive schema types and refines the documentation. Also the library is now only available Swift 6.0+
- PulsarInstant and PulsarTimestamp are now available as a generic parameter to support these schemas.
- BREAKING!: Swift 6.0+ is now required to use this package.
- Refined documentation in different places.
Known issues
- Errors which are not produced during topic lookup are not handled and will always lead to a reconnection which can result in infinite loops.
- The producer does not store messages which were sent unsuccessfully.
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This release adds supports for primitive schemas and makes the consumers and producers generic over PulsarPayload.
- Primitive schema support for Consumers and Producers.
- BREAKING: Producers and Consumers are now generic over PulsarPayload.
- The CRC32C checksum calculation is now more performant as the table is now hardcoded.
- The client has now an explicit deinit to allow nice shutdowns when close() isn't called explicitly.
Known issues
- Errors which are not produced during topic lookup are not handled and will always lead to a reconnection which can result in infinite loops.
- The producer does not store messages which were sent unsuccessfully.
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This release adds proper error handling for the components and first tests.
- Client side error handling now available with callback functions from Client and Producer.
- Differentiation between errors which need to be handled by the client and errors which could be solved by reconnection.
- Maximum number of retries after lost connection can be configured.
- This release does not contain any fixes.
Known issues
- Errors which are not produced during topic lookup are not handled and will always lead to a reconnection which can result in infinite loops.
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This release fixes some issues of the previous version and adds some new features
- Add synchronous send to Producers.
- Fixed an issue in the reconnection logic, where, after a reconnect, Producer and Consumer were unable to send messages.
- Fixed an issue with the Example target that prevented it to be compiled with Swift 5.10 due to a false-positive data race error.
Known issues
- No known issues in this version
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This is the initial release of the library and the feature set is still somewhat limited but it provides basic functionality.
- Basic produce and consume to and from insecure connections.
- Error handling and reconnect handling.
- Some behavior configuration for producers and consumers.
- No fixes in this version.
Known issues
- No known issues in this version.
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