This package allow you to manage your vim plugins
It's heavily inspired from oh-my-zsh
You must have python installed on your system.
It's recommended to install oh-my-vim as a non root user.
If you don't know python and virtualenv then just run the install script:
$ curl | sh -
Or with wget:
$ wget --no-check-certificate -O- | sh -
If you know virtualenv/pip then run this in a virtualenv:
$ pip install oh-my-vim $ bin/oh-my-vim upgrade
Have a look at your ~/.vimrc
$ vim ~/.vimrc
And select your favorites profiles.
Browse all VimL projects available on github in your favorite browser:
$ oh-my-vim search [-t] [term]
Installation. You can use a git url or a requires.txt
file/url wich
contains git urls:
$ oh-my-vim install [--full] [giturl|requires.txt]
The --full
options allow to install some extra dependencies. For example
syntastic require flake8 and jslint. oh-my-vim will try to install them
for you.
Remove a bundle:
$ oh-my-vim remove [bundle1|bundle2|...]
List installed packages:
$ oh-my-vim list
List all packages listed in Oh My Vim's registry:
$ oh-my-vim list -a
Generate a requires.txt
$ oh-my-vim list -u > requires.txt
Upgrade bundles (and oh-my-vim python package):
$ oh-my-vim upgrade [--full] [bundle1|bundle2|...]
I'm a newbie. Can oh-my-vim turn me into a Vim guru ?
No, but it can help you to setup a friendly environment.
After the installation step install some usefull plugins with the following:
$ oh-my-vim install -d usefull
Then have a look at the defaults and
profiles and enable them in your .vimrc
You're now ready to go...!
What if I already use pathogen ?
Nothing. Just remove the pathogen
stuff from your vimrc
Can I use oh-my-vim from Vim ?
Yes, and you should. You'll get some completion. Just use :OhMyVim <args>
Can I install a bundle from a mercurial repository ?
Yes. You just need to prefix your url with hg+
$ oh-my-vim install hg+
Good project but I'm missing a feature. Can you add it ?
No. But you can. Fork the repository and submit a pull request.
I have a cool plugin and I want to add it to oh-my-vim-registry
Submit a pull request after adding it to the registry
Does oh-my-vim work on windows ?
No, it wont be so hard to port but I'm not supporting this OS
This is a great project. Can I offer you a beer ?