The purpose here is to design a function that parse and evaluate a calcul describe using reverse polish notation
Using RPN we can get rid of parenthesis. For instance:
(4 + 3) * 2
could be written4 3 + 2 *
or4 3 2 + *
(4 - 3) * 2
could be written4 3 - 2 *
or4 3 2 - *
(4 - 3) + 2
could be written4 3 - 2 +
or4 3 2 - +
For this exercice, we will be focusing on parsing and evaluating the first kind of RPN notation,
(without all the operator at the end) like 4 3 - 2 +
We will use typescript with strong type checking expressed in tsconfig.json
and backed by eslint
for linting and formatting.
There is already 2 existing test case in src/test/rpn-calculator.spec.ts
, don't change them ! But feel free,
to add new ones or even new test suites.
Tests are written using jest.
You can run them by using
npm run test
or to run them on every file change
npm run test:watch
The function to be developed is in src/main/rpn-calculator.ts
Don't hesitate to refacto your code to make it expressive and readable.
You can read this article for a few good advices about clean code
You can try TDD methodology, here is a good article that talk about it