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Adding Concepts

Stuart Marshall edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 1 revision

Create SKOS simpler

You can use CreateSKOSSimpler to create new concepts and add this into the collection

# compile-time
from conveyance import get_conveyance
conveyance = get_conveyance()
conveyance.code = "coral/admin-create-skos:1"
conveyance.description = "Build the SKOS files"
conveyance.requirements = [
    "arches_graphql_client @ git+",
    "arches-orm @ git+"
conveyance.data_files_to_version = [
conveyance.install_dependencies(preuninstall=["arches_graphql_client", "arches-orm"])


Conveyance is used throughout when reading and writing. This is a script written to allow this to be run and applied to production

In this cell we import several elements. The main concern here is data_files_to_version if you need to import a file to parse data from you must add it here for the conveyance to be able to read it

Reading and Cleaning Data

with"FISH/terminology-hierarchy.xlsx", False, "rb") as f:
    modified_fish_monuments = pd.read_excel(f)
modified_fish_monuments_list = list(modified_fish_monuments["FISH/ Proposed General Term"].dropna().unique())
cleaned_modified_fish_monuments_list = sorted(set([
    fish.replace('?', '') 
    for fish in modified_fish_monuments_list]))

Here we are reading an excel file and grabbing a column of data and cleaning it into a list When reading with the conveyance you need to set False when reading from an existing file and set True when writing a file.

Creating a Concept

import pytest
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfile
from arches_orm import static
from arches_orm.adapter import context_free, get_adapter

copyfile("fat_collections.xml", "fat_simple_collections.xml")

rdm = get_adapter().get_rdm()

monument_concept_list = []

for name in cleaned_modified_fish_monuments_list:
    concept = rdm.make_simple_concept("FISH_Proposed_General_Terms", name)

general_term_concept = rdm.make_simple_concept("FISH_Proposed_General_Terms", "FISH Proposed General Terms", children=monument_concept_list)
general_term_collection = rdm.concept_to_collection(general_term_concept)
rdm.save_concept(general_term_concept, "FISH_Proposed_General_Terms.xml")
rdm.update_collections(general_term_collection, Path("fat_simple_collections.xml"))

# concept_1 = rdm.make_simple_concept("Townlands", "Townland1")
# concept_2 = rdm.make_simple_concept("Townlands", "Townland2")
# my_status = rdm.make_simple_concept("Townlands", children=[concept_1, concept_2])
# MyStatusEnum = rdm.concept_to_collection(my_status)


make_simple_concept(Namespace:string, value:string, children:[concepts])

  1. First run each item in your list through the function, setting the namespace and the value
  2. Append to a list
  3. Run make_simple_concept again. Set the namespace as before, set the value to the name you wish to use for the concept, set the children as the list of concepts you created
  4. Run concept_to_collection setting your new concept as the argument


rdm.save_concept(general_term_concept, "FISH_Proposed_General_Terms.xml")
rdm.update_collections(general_term_collection, Path("fat_simple_collections.xml"))

We then save our collections to a new file fat_simple_collections.xml has the fat_collections.xml written into it at the start of the cell

Exporting to Dev

ConceptClient = arches_graphql_client.concept.ConceptClient
concept_client = ConceptClient(ENDPOINT)

with"FISH_Proposed_General_Terms.xml", True, "rb") as fd:
    fish_success = await concept_client.replace_from_skos(fd)
with"fat_simple_collections.xml", True, "rb") as fd:
    # This doesn't create a concept so comes back False if it's ok :/
    await concept_client.replace_from_skos(fd)

This will write the new collection and concept to dev Here we need to set True for the conveyance to work correctly