Ridiculously simple and effective JSON formatter.
Run nimble install jsonfmt
The simplest way to run the tool is to pass the JSON file (in this case
) as the first positional argument (required):
jsonfmt /path/to/json/file/my_json.json
To specify indent, add --indent INT
jsonfmt /path/to/json/file/db.json --indent 2
To specify the output file, add the second (optional) positional argument:
jsonfmt /path/to/json/file/db.json /path/to/json/file/db_formatted.json --indent 2
Why another JSON formatter? Unfortunately, VS Code's JSON formatter does not handle JSON files larger than 50 MB. And, as you probably know, sometimes you need to pretty format/print larger JSON files. This tool can format JSON files up to 1 GB in size (tested), probably more, depending on how much RAM you have available.
Why Nim? I wanted to try and experiment with the language.