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A libmdbx wrapper, providing low level access to its API plus a set of high level functions for common operations.

Excerpt from libmdbx's documentation:

libmdbx is an extremely fast, compact, powerful, embedded, transactional key-value database, with Apache 2.0 license.

Historically, libmdbx is a deeply revised and extended descendant of the amazing Lightning Memory-Mapped Database. libmdbx inherits all benefits from LMDB, but resolves some issues and adds a set of improvements.


Low level interface

Using libmdbx's low level interface involves the following steps:

  • Opening an environment. This is the equivalent of a database.
  • Opening a database. This is the equivalent of a table.
  • Creating a transaction.
  • Performing CRUD operations, or using a cursor.
  • Committing or aborting the transaction.

See Hackage for the low level interface or libmdbx's documentation for more details on internals.

High level interface

Alternatively you can use the high level interface which, although providing a limited set of operations, takes care of transaction handling and makes the common use cases really simple.

data User = User {
  _username :: !Text,
  _password :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary)

deriving via (MdbxItemBinary User) instance MdbxItem User

openEnvDbi :: IO MdbxEnv
openEnvDbi = envOpen "./test.db" def [MdbxNosubdir, MdbxCoalesce, MdbxLiforeclaim, MdbxNotls]

userKey :: User -> Text
userKey user = "user-" <> _username user

main :: IO ()
main = bracket openEnvDbi envClose $ \env -> do
  db <- dbiOpen env Nothing []

  putItem env db (userKey user1) user1
  putItem env db (userKey user2) user2

  getItem env db (userKey user2) >>= print @(Maybe User)
  getRange env db (userKey user1) (userKey user2) >>= print @[User]
    user1 = User "john" "secret"
    user2 = User "mark" "password"

For the high level interface see Hackage or the sample application here.


In both scenarios, you will want to check Hackage for information on how to make your data types compatible with libmdbx-hs.

It is recommended that your serializable data types have strict fields, to avoid issues related to lazy IO. The library loads data from pointers that are valid only during a transaction; delaying the operation may cause an invalid read and consequently a crash.

Write operations should always be performed from the same OS thread.

When using the multi-threaded runtime, the MdbxNotls flag is required at environment creation. Failing to include it in the list of flags will result in a random crash.


Source code for libmdbx is included in the repository and built with the rest of the project, to avoid requiring a separate library install.


libmdbx is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

libmdbx-hs is licensed under the BSD-3 License.