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Google Gemini Web Chat

Experience the new Google AI Model 'Gemini' on any device. This application is pure front-end, the API key and your name are stored in your browser and used to make requests, and all server connections are made directly to Google Servers. Test it online

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-24 a las 10 03 21


  • User now gets feedback if try to access without an API Key.
  • User gets feedback if try to request with an invalid API Key.
  • It's possible to clear the chat history saved on the browser.
  • Light mode.
  • A proxy can be passed for all API requests from Setup.
  • Fix: Gemini now understands the Chat History.
  • Hotfix: Last outbound message was being sent twice.


⚠️ Before this fix, every message was an independent prompt.

image image

Features requested:

  • Easier way to setup API Key
  • Greeting or empty state when chatlog is empty.

Known issues/bugs:

  • None reported yet.

How to Run Locally:

  • npm i
  • npm start

Run with Docker

docker compose up # http://localhost:5173

Deploy is ready for Vercel.

Not using Vercel to deploy?

Check this step-by-step guide created by @TSSFL