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Releases: fizyr/keras-retinanet


20 Jun 09:44
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Changes since last release:

  • Fix VGG imagenet download.
  • Add numpy as dependency.
  • Convert generators to Keras Sequences.
  • Float16 support.
  • Expose learning rate parameter.
  • Add validation loss as optional step.


17 Oct 11:28
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0.5.0 Pre-release

Changes since last release

  • Evaluation uses progressbar
  • Correct initialization of weights for classification submodel
  • Fix issue with evaluating when there are gaps in classes
  • Add configuration (currently only for anchor settings)
  • Refactor how annotation are generated in the generators
  • Use CPU to convert model
  • Update to keras 2.2.4
  • Add NCHW support

Credits to
Morten Back Nielsen


18 Jul 13:33
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0.4.1 Pre-release

Changes since last release

  • Optimizations for generators
  • Improved documentation.
  • OID Challenge 2018 support.
  • Keras version bumped to 2.2.0.
  • Add option for class specific filtering (NMS).
  • Add flake8 for code testing.
  • Merged COCO and non-COCO evaluation scripts.
  • Correct image preprocessing for MobileNet and DenseNet.

Credits to:


12 May 16:55
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0.3.1 Pre-release

Changes since last release

  • Implement DenseNet, VGG backbones.
  • Add option to freeze backbone layers.
  • Add logging of evaluation to tensorboard.
  • Add pretty colors for 80 classes.
  • Fix batch_size > 1 issues.
  • Refactor model outputs (should hopefully stay like this now).
  • Simplified training by splitting into "training model" and "inference model".
  • Add structure for backbone specific functions (such as load_model).
  • Encode regression as x1/y1/x2/y2 offsets (increases mAP to 0.350, previously 0.345).
  • Use nearest upsampling method.

Credits to:


03 Mar 09:53
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0.2 Pre-release

Changes since last release

  • Corrected FPN architecture as per paper.
  • Set default image size to minimum of 800px.
  • Change NMS to perform per-class NMS.
  • Small correction for bbox transform.
  • Add OID data generator.
  • Change default NMS threshold to 0.5.
  • Add MobileNet backbone.
  • Add tensorboard callback.
  • Add tool for debugging datasets.
  • Improve speed of data augmentation methods.
  • Add ability to resume training.
  • Add evaluation tool for custom datasets (only computes mAP at the moment).
  • Add skip_mismatch to weights loading, allows transfer learning from pretrained COCO model.

Credits to:


15 Jan 14:32
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0.1 Pre-release
Add deprecated functions to support old API.