pip install -r requirements.txt clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/fixit-py/network-scanner.git
change into the directory with cd MAC-CHANGER2.0
give the file permission to run as an executable with chmod +x network_scanner.py
run python network_scanner.py -r or --range "full ip range with CIDR notation" while using python2
run python3 network_scanner.py -r or --range "full ip range with CIDR notation" while using python3
replace the "full ip range with CIDR notation" with the name of your ip range
This python program scans your local network for all devices connected to the network compatible with both python 2 and python 3 specify the interface name using the -r or --range from the bash terminal or cmd. this script works on both linux, MAC and windows as long as all the required external libaries are downloaded and imported
scapy , optparse(argparse)