Main functions:
- fx_scramble: Create df with scrambled group assignment
- fx_partition: List of partitions to apply to data frame
- fx_sample: Create train/test sub data frames
- fx_model: Train/test model on sub data frames
- fx_modelPerf: Confusion matrix and model performance metrics
- fx_rocCompute: Compute AUC of ROC
- fx_perm: Derive null distribution
- fx_boot: Bootstrap confidence intervals
- fx_permPerf: Estimate p-values, organize null distributions
- fx_bootPerf: Estimate CIs and p-values from bootstrap distributions
- fx_plot: Plot observed vs. null/bootstrap distributions
- fx_rocPlot: Estimate and plot ROC
- fx_outFile: Handles specified output files
- fx_summary: Produces .txt summary of model info (incomplete)
You can download the development version from GitHub