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Yannik Friedrich edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 1 revision
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The C++ API, available via the header ft.hpp, implements classes for all devices defined by the C interface.



Base class for all devices.

Method Description
int getConn() Return device connector.


int getConn()

Returns the device's connection number. See ftobjects_connection for details.


Extends Device

Base class for various sensors.

Method Description
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
Inherited Methods
int getConn() Return device connector.


int getState()

Returns the 'state' for universal input devices. For digital devices, the state is returned, for analog devices, the analog value is returned and for counters the current step count is returned.

void extendRange(unsigned int mode)

Sets the inputs detection range. Pass 0 for normal detection range (0 - 5 V) and 1 for extended range (0 - 9 V).

Parameter Description
mode input range


Extends InputDevice

Implementation of a generic switch.

Method Description
Switch(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


Switch(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the Switch class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the switch instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]


Extends InputDevice

Implementation of a generic digital sensor.

Method Description
Digital(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


Digital(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the Digital class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the digital instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]


Extends InputDevice

Implementation of a generic resistor.

Method Description
Resistor(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
int getResistance() Return resistance.
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


Resistor(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the Resistor class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the resistor instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]

int getResistance()

Calculates and returns the resistance in Ω.


Extends InputDevice

Implementation of a generic voltmeter.

Method Description
Voltmeter(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
int getVoltage() Return voltage.
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


Voltmeter(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the Voltmeter class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the voltmeter instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]

int getVoltage()

Returns the voltage in mV.


Extends InputDevice

Implementation of fischertechnik's ultrasonic distance sensor.

Method Description
Ultrasonic(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
int getDistance() Return distance.
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


Ultrasonic(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the Ultrasonic class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the ultrasonic instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]

int getDistance()

Returns the current distance in cm.


Extends InputDevice

Implementation of the fischertechnik 1,5 kΩ NTC.

Method Description
NCTTermistor(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
int getTemperature() Return temperature.
int getResistance() Return resistance.
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


NCTTermistor(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the NCTTermistor class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the ncttermistor instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]

int getTemperature()

Calculates and returns the temperature in °C for the fischertechnik 1,5 NTC using the beta-model.

Note: This calculation provides correct results for THIS NTC only. For different thermistors, the user must implement their own function to calculate the temperature from the resistance.

int getResistance()

Calculates and returns the resistance in Ω.


Extends InputDevice

Implementation of the fischertechnik color sensor.

Note: The color sensor does NOT implement a special functions to return the color; use getState() to obtain the analog value in mV.

Method Description
ColorSensor(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


ColorSensor(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the ColorSensor class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the color sensor instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]


Extends InputDevice

Implenentation of fischertechnik's trail sensor.

Method Description
TrailFollower(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
Inherited Methods
int getState() Return value or state.
void extendRange(unsigned int mode) Set input range mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


ColorSensor(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the TrailFollower class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the trail follower instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-8]


Extends Device

Implementation of a fast counter device.

Method Description
Counter(TXT &txt, int input) Constructor
int getState() Return counter state.
int getDistance() Return distance.
void reset() Reset counter.
Inherited Methods
int getConn() Return device connector.


Counter(TXT &txt, int input)

Constructor for the Counter class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an input pin number as arguments. For the counter instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
input pin number [1-4]

int getState()

Returns the counter's state. Returns 0 if the switch is pressed (cuircit is closed) and 1 if the switch is released (cuircit is open).

int getDistance()

Returns the distance. The distance is the number of pulses (counts) since the last reset.

int reset()

Resets the count number.

Note: This reset is not in effect immediately since this function requires communication with the M4.


Extends Device

Implementation of an output device.

Method Description
Lamp(TXT &txt, int output) Constructor
void setBrightness(unsigned int brightness) Set output (brightness) to new value.
Inherited Methods
int getConn() Return device connector.


Lamp(TXT &txt, int output)

Constructor for the Lamp class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an output pin number as arguments. For the lamp instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
output pin number [1-8]

void setBrightness(unsigned int brightness)

Sets the PWM value (brightness) for outputs.

Parameter Description
brightness new PWM value [0, 512]


Extends Device

Implementation of a servo motor.

Method Description
Servo(TXT &txt, int output) Constructor
void setPwm(int pwm) Set the PWM value.
Inherited Methods
int getConn() Return device connector.


Servo(TXT &txt, int output)

Constructor for the Servo class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an output pin number as arguments. For the servo instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
output pin number [1-3]

void setPwm(int pwm)

Sets the PWM value for servo. PWM = 256 sets the servo to its central position.

Parameter Description
pwm new PWM value [0, 512]


Extends Device

Base class for motors.

Method Description
void setSpeed(int speed) Set new motor speed.
void startSpeed(int speed) Start motor with new speed.
void stop() Stop motor immediately.
int getMotor() Return motor number (0-3).
void coast() Set motor in coast mode.
Inherited Methods
int getConn() Return device connector.


void setSpeed(int speed)

Sets a new speed value for the motor but DOES NOT start the motor.

Parameter Description
speed new speed value [-512, 512]

void startSpeed(int speed)

Starts the motor immediately at new speed.

Parameter Description
speed new speed value [-512, 512]

void stop()

Stops the motor immediately.

int getMotor()

Returns the motor number [0-3].

void coast()

Sets the motor in coast mode. This will not stop the motor immediately, but it will be turned off with the next update cycle of the M4.


Extends MotorDevice

Implementation of a regular motor.

Method Description
Motor(TXT &txt, int output) Constructor
Inherited Methods
void setSpeed(int speed) Set new motor speed.
void startSpeed(int speed) Start motor with new speed.
void stop() Stop motor immediately.
int getMotor() Return motor number (0-3).
void coast() Set motor in coast mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


Motor(TXT &txt, int output)

Constructor for the Motor class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an output pin number as arguments. For the motor instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
output pin number [1-4]


Extends MotorDevice

Implementation of an encoder motor.

Method Description
Encoder(TXT &txt, int output) Constructor
void startDistance(int distance, Encoder *e = 0) Start motor running for set distance.
void startDistance(int distance, int mask) Start up to 4 motors running synchronous for set distance.
void stop(int mask) Stop up to 4 motors immediately.
int getCurrentDistance() Return the remaining distance.
bool isRunning() Return if the motor is still running.
Inherited Methods
void setSpeed(int speed) Set new motor speed.
void startSpeed(int speed) Start motor with new speed.
void stop() Stop motor immediately.
int getMotor() Return motor number (0-3).
void coast() Set motor in coast mode.
int getConn() Return device connector.


Encoder(TXT &txt, int output)

Constructor for the Encoder class. Takes a reference to a TXT instance and an output pin number as arguments. The encoders counter has to be connected to the counter pin with the same number as the output pin. For the encoder instance to be usable, one has to call the update_config method on the TXT.

Note: The pin number starts at 1!

Parameter Description
txt reference to TXT object
output pin number [1-4]

void startDistance(int distance, Encoder *e = 0)

Starts the encoder immediately to run for the given distance. A pointer to a second encoder instance can be passed optionally. If the second encoder is provided, both motors run sychronously.

The speed at which the motor(s) run must be set in advance by calling the setSpeed method.

Parameter Description
distance distance in impulses
e optional pointer for 2nd encoder

void startDistance(int distance, int mask)

Starts the encoders immediately to run synchronously for the given distance. The encoders to be controlled are specified by the bit mask. The lowest 4 bits are used to control the motor. If the n-th bit is 1, the encoder connected at the n-th motor pin will be controlled. If the n-th bit is 0, the motor is ignored.

The speed at which the motor(s) run must be set in advance by calling the setSpeed method.

Parameter Description
distance distance in impulses
mask bit mask of up to 4 encoder motors

void stop(int mask)

Stops all motors selected by the bit mask immediatly.

Parameter Description
mask bit mask of up to 4 encoder motors

int getCurrentDistance()

Returns the remaining distance in impulses to finish the current action.

bool isRunning()

Returns whether or not the encoder motor is currently running.

Note: This DOES NOT mean the motor's cureent speed is non-zero! It checks whether or not the last motor command has been excecuted or not.


Implementation of the TXT 4.0.

Method Description
TXT(const std::string &host = "auto", int port = 65000) Constructor
TXT(TXT &txt, int slave) Constructor
std::string getName() Return TXT's name.
int getVersion() Return TXT's version.
int getFirmware() Return TXT's firmware version.
void setMode(int mode) Set mode (single/master/slave).
void setName(const std::string &name) Set new name.
int getSlavesNumber() Return number of slaves attached.
uint_32 getSlaveUID(int number) Return uid of selected slave.
std::string getSlaveName(int number) Return name of selected slave.
std::string getSlaveSerialNumber(int number) Return serial number of selected slave.
Lamp *getLamp(int output) Return Lamp instance.
Motor *getMotor(int output) Return Motor instance.
Encoder *getEncoder(int output) Return Lamp instance.
Servo *getServo(int output) Return Servo instance.
Resistor *getResistor(int input) Return Resistor instance.
NCTTermistor *getNCTTermistor(int input) Return NCTTermistor instance.
Switch *getSwitch(int input) Return Switch instance.
Digital *getDigital(int input) Return Digital instance.
Voltmeter *getVoltmeterint input) Return Voltmeter instance.
ColorSensor *getColorSensor(int input) Return ColorSensor instance.
TrailFollower *getTrailFollower(int input) Return TrailFollower instance.
Ultrasonic *getUltrasonic(int input) Return Ultrasonic instance.
Counter *getCounter(int input) Return Counter instance.
void update_config() Update IO config.
void setBitrate(int bitrate) Set new CAN bitrate.
void setTerminator(int mode) Toggle CAN terminator.
void powerDown() Power down M4.
void reset() Reset M4.


TXT(const std::string &host = "auto", int port = 65000)

Constructor for the TXT class. The pararmeters host and port have default arguments and don't need to be provided. As of now, they are discarded without being used!

Parameter Description
host optional host string (has no usage)
port optional port number (has no usage)

TXT(TXT &txt, int slave)

Constructor for the TXT class. Used to construct a slave TXT. Takes a reference to the master TXT and a slave number as arguments.

Note: The slave number is NOT the number set in the settings of the controller! The TXTs are numbered by the order they are connected to the network!

Parameter Description
txt reference to master TXT
slave slave number

std::string getName()

Returns the TXT name.

int getVersion()

Returns the TXT version.

int getFirmware()

Returns the firmware version.

void setMode(int mode)

Sets or changes the TXT's mode. Pass 0 for single mode, 1 for master mode and 2 for slave mode (see txt mode enum).

Parameter Description
mode new TXT mode

void setName(const std::string &name)

Sets new name for the TXT. A name is a 16 character string. The name can shorter.

Parameter Description
name new name

int getSlavesNumber()

Returns the number of slaves attached to this TXT.

uint_32 getSlaveUID(int number)

Returns the uid of the selected slave. Slave with the number 0 is the master TXT.

Note: The slave number is NOT the number set in the settings of the controller! The TXTs are numbered by the order they are connected to the network!

Parameter Description
number slave number

std::string getSlaveName(int number)

Returns the name of the selected slave. Slave with the number 0 is the master TXT.

Note: The slave number is NOT the number set in the settings of the controller! The TXTs are numbered by the order they are connected to the network!

Parameter Description
number slave number

std::string getSlaveSerialNumber(int number)

Returns the serial number of the selected slave. Slave with the number 0 is the master TXT.

Note: The slave number is NOT the number set in the settings of the controller! The TXTs are numbered by the order they are connected to the network!

Parameter Description
number slave number

Lamp *getLamp(int output)

Allocates a new Lamp instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by output and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
output output pin number [1-8]

Motor *getMotor(int output)

Allocates a new Motor instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by output and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
output motor pin number [1-4]

Encoder *getEncoder(int output)

Allocates a new Encoder instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by output and returns the pointer. The counter must be connected to the same pin number as the motor. (e.g. motor connected to M1, counter connected to C1).

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
output motor & counter pin number [1-4]

Servo *getServo(int output)

Allocates a new Servo instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by output and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
output servo pin number [1-3]

Resistor *getResistor(int input)

Allocates a new Resistor instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

NCTTermistor *getNCTTermistor(int input)

Allocates a new NCTTermistor instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

Switch *getSwitch(int input)

Allocates a new Switch instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

Digital *getDigital(int input)

Allocates a new Digital instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

Voltmeter *getVoltmeterint input)

Allocates a new Voltmeter instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

ColorSensor *getColorSensor(int input)

Allocates a new ColorSensor instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

TrailFollower *getTrailFollower(int input)

Allocates a new TrailFollower instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

Ultrasonic *getUltrasonic(int input)

Allocates a new Ultrasonic instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input universal input pin number [1-8]

Counter *getCounter(int input)

Allocates a new Counter instance on the heap connected to the pin specified by input and returns the pointer.

Note: The instance is NOT allocated as a smart pointer! To avoid memory leaks, you have to delete the pointer manually when it's no longer needed.

Parameter Description
input counter pin number [1-4]

void update_config()

Updates the TXT's input/output configuration. This function must be called after allocating new sensors and actuators for them to become usable. Since this functions requires communication with the M4, the update is not in effect immediatly after the function returns, so a sleep might be used to make sure the peripheral is usuable. For updating the master TXT, 10 ms is sufficient, updating slave TXT takes up to 70 ms.

void setBitrate(int bitrate)

Sets a new CAN bitrate.

Parameter Description
bitrate new CAN bitrate (in Hz)

void setTerminator(int mode)

Toggels whether or not to use a termitator for FDCAN.
mode = 0 disabels the terminator, mode = 1 enabels it.

Parameter Description
mode new mode

void powerDown()

Powers down the M4.

void reset()

Resets the M4. As of now, this method does nothing.

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