This is my golang CouchDB driver. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
go get
See the Godoc:
Connect to a server and create a new document:
type TestDocument struct {
Title string
Note string
var timeout = time.Duration(500 * time.Millisecond)
conn, err := couchdb.NewConnection("",5984,timeout)
auth := couchdb.BasicAuth{Username: "user", Password: "password" }
db := conn.SelectDB("myDatabase", &auth)
theDoc := TestDocument{
Title: "My Document",
Note: "This is a note",
theId := genUuid() //use whatever method you like to generate a uuid
//The third argument here would be a revision, if you were updating an existing document
rev, err := db.Save(theDoc, theId, "")
//If all is well, rev should contain the revision of the newly created
//or updated Document