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SliceJacobiPC hierarchy for nonconstant advection
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JHopeCollins committed May 24, 2024
1 parent b98e655 commit 1439118
Showing 1 changed file with 346 additions and 0 deletions.
346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions examples/advection/
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@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import pi, cos, sin

import firedrake as fd
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
import asQ

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='ParaDiag timestepping for scalar advection of a Gaussian bump in a periodic square with DG in space and implicit-theta in time. Based on the Firedrake DG advection example',
parser.add_argument('--nx', type=int, default=16, help='Number of cells along each square side.')
parser.add_argument('--dt', type=float, default=0.02, help='Convective CFL number.')
parser.add_argument('--angle', type=float, default=pi/6, help='Angle of the convective velocity.')
parser.add_argument('--degree', type=int, default=1, help='Degree of the scalar and velocity spaces.')
parser.add_argument('--theta', type=float, default=0.5, help='Parameter for the implicit theta timestepping method.')
parser.add_argument('--width', type=float, default=0.2, help='Width of the Gaussian bump.')
parser.add_argument('--nwindows', type=int, default=1, help='Number of time-windows.')
parser.add_argument('--nslices', type=int, default=2, help='Number of time-slices per time-window.')
parser.add_argument('--slice_length', type=int, default=2, help='Number of timesteps per time-slice.')
parser.add_argument('--alpha', type=float, default=0.0001, help='Circulant coefficient.')
parser.add_argument('--nsample', type=int, default=32, help='Number of sample points for plotting.')
parser.add_argument('--mpeg', action='store_true', help='Output an mpeg of the timeseries.')
parser.add_argument('--write_metrics', action='store_true', help='Write various solver metrics to file.')
parser.add_argument('--show_args', action='store_true', default=True, help='Output all the arguments.')

args = parser.parse_known_args()
args = args[0]

if args.show_args:

# The time partition describes how many timesteps are included on each time-slice of the ensemble
# Here we use the same number of timesteps on each slice, but they can be different

time_partition = tuple(args.slice_length for _ in range(args.nslices))
window_length = sum(time_partition)
nsteps = args.nwindows*window_length
nt = window_length

# Calculate the timestep from the CFL number
ubar = 1.
dx = 1./args.nx
dt = args.dt
cfl = ubar*dt/dx
T = dt*nt
pi2 = fd.Constant(2*pi)

omegas = [1.43, 2.27, 4.83, 6.94]

PETSc.Sys.Print(f"{cfl = }, {T = }, {nt = }")
PETSc.Sys.Print(f"Periods: {[round(T*o,3) for o in omegas]}")

PETSc.Sys.Print(f"Temporal resolution (ppm): {[round(1/(o*dt),3) for o in omegas]}")
PETSc.Sys.Print(f"Spatial resolution (ppm): {round(1/dx,3)}, {round((1/2)/dx,3)}, {round((1/4)/dx,3)}, {round((1/6)/dx,3)}")

# The Ensemble with the spatial and time communicators
ensemble = asQ.create_ensemble(time_partition)

# # # === --- domain --- === # # #

# The mesh needs to be created with the spatial communicator
mesh = fd.PeriodicUnitSquareMesh(args.nx, args.nx, quadrilateral=True, comm=ensemble.comm)

# We use a discontinuous Galerkin space for the advected scalar
V = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DQ",

# # # === --- initial conditions --- === # # #

x, y = fd.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

def radius(x, y):
return fd.sqrt(pow(x-0.5, 2) + pow(y-0.5, 2))

def gaussian(x, y):
return fd.exp(-0.5*pow(radius(x, y)/args.width, 2))

# The scalar initial conditions are a Gaussian bump centred at (0.5, 0.5)
q0 = fd.Function(V, name="scalar_initial")
q0.interpolate(1 + gaussian(x, y))

# The advecting velocity field is constant and directed at an angle to the x-axis

def velocity(t):
return (
fd.as_vector((fd.Constant(ubar*cos(args.angle)), fd.Constant(ubar*sin(args.angle))))
+ fd.sin(pi2*omegas[0]*t-0.0)*fd.as_vector([0.25*fd.sin(1*x*pi2+0.3), 0.20*fd.cos(1*y*pi2-0.9)])
- fd.cos(pi2*omegas[1]*t-0.7)*fd.as_vector([0.05*fd.cos(2*x*pi2-0.8), 0.10*fd.sin(2*x*pi2+0.1)])
+ fd.sin(pi2*omegas[2]*t+0.6)*fd.as_vector([0.15*fd.cos(4*x*pi2+0.0), 0.05*fd.sin(4*x*pi2-0.4)])
- fd.cos(pi2*omegas[3]*t-0.3)*fd.as_vector([0.03*fd.cos(6*x*pi2-0.9), 0.08*fd.sin(6*x*pi2+0.2)])

# # # === --- finite element forms --- === # # #

# The time-derivative mass form for the scalar advection equation.
# asQ assumes that the mass form is linear so here
# q is a TrialFunction and phi is a TestFunction
def form_mass(q, phi):
return phi*q*fd.dx

# The DG advection form for the scalar advection equation.
# asQ assumes that the function form is nonlinear so here
# q is a Function and phi is a TestFunction
def form_function(q, phi, t):
# upwind switch
n = fd.FacetNormal(mesh)
u = velocity(t)
un = fd.Constant(0.5)*(, n) + abs(, n)))

# integration over element volume
int_cell = q*fd.div(phi*u)*fd.dx

# integration over internal facets
int_facet = (phi('+')-phi('-'))*(un('+')*q('+')-un('-')*q('-'))*fd.dS

return int_facet - int_cell

# # # === --- PETSc solver parameters --- === # # #

# The PETSc solver parameters used to solve the
# blocks in step (b) of inverting the ParaDiag matrix.
block_parameters = {
# 'ksp_type': 'preonly',
# 'pc_type': 'lu',
# 'pc_factor_mat_solver_type': 'mumps'
'pc_type': 'ilu',
'ksp_type': 'richardson',
'ksp_convergence_test': 'skip',
'ksp_converged_maxits': None,
'ksp_max_it': 20,

# The PETSc solver parameters for solving the all-at-once system.
# The python preconditioner 'asQ.CirculantPC' applies the ParaDiag matrix.
# The equation is linear so we can either:
# a) Solve it in one shot using a preconditioned Krylov method:
# P^{-1}Au = P^{-1}b
# The solver options for this are:
# 'ksp_type': 'gmres'
# b) Solve it with stationary iterations:
# Pu_{k+1} = (P - A)u_{k} + b
# The solver options for this are:
# 'ksp_type': 'richardson'

jacobi_parameters = {
'pc_type': 'python',
'pc_python_type': 'asQ.JacobiPC',
'aaojacobi_state': 'linear',
'aaojacobi_block': block_parameters,

circulant_parameters = {
'pc_type': 'python',
'pc_python_type': 'asQ.CirculantPC',
'circulant_state': 'linear',
'circulant_alpha': args.alpha,
'circulant_block': block_parameters,

def slice_parameters(nsteps):
return {
'pc_type': 'python',
'pc_python_type': 'asQ.SliceJacobiPC',
'slice_jacobi_nsteps': nsteps,
'slice_jacobi_slice': circulant_parameters
} if nsteps > 1 else jacobi_parameters

def composite_parameters(*nsteps):
return {
'pc_type': 'composite',
'pc_composite_type': 'multiplicative',
'pc_composite_pcs': ','.join('python' for _ in range(len(nsteps))),
} | {f'sub_{i}': slice_parameters(s) for i, s in enumerate(nsteps)}

def composite_composite_parameters(nsteps_list):
return {
'pc_type': 'composite',
'pc_composite_type': 'multiplicative',
'pc_composite_pcs': ','.join('composite' for _ in range(len(nsteps_list))),
} | {f'sub_{i}': composite_parameters(*nsteps) for i, nsteps in enumerate(nsteps_list)}

atol = 1e-10
rtol = 1e-2
paradiag_parameters = {
'snes_type': 'ksponly', # for a linear system
'snes': {
# 'monitor': None,
# 'converged_reason': None,
'mat_type': 'matfree',
'ksp_type': 'gmres',
'ksp': {
'monitor_true_residual': None,
'converged_rate': None,
'rtol': 1e-4,
'atol': 1e-12,
'stol': 1e-12,
# 'view': None,
'aaos_jacobian_state': 'linear',
composite_steps = [




# [nt//8,
# nt//4,
# nt//2,
# nt//1],
# [nt//2,
# nt//4,
# nt//8,
# nt//16,
# nt//32],

# paradiag_parameters.update(circulant_parameters)
# paradiag_parameters.update(jacobi_parameters)
# paradiag_parameters.update(slice_parameters(nt//2))
# paradiag_parameters.update(composite_parameters(*composite_steps))

# from json import dumps
# PETSc.Sys.Print(dumps(paradiag_parameters, indent=3))
# from sys import exit; exit()

# # # === --- Setup ParaDiag --- === # # #

# Give everything to asQ to create the paradiag object.
pdg = asQ.Paradiag(ensemble=ensemble,
ics=q0, dt=dt, theta=args.theta,

# This is a callback which will be called before pdg solves each time-window
# We can use this to make the output a bit easier to read
def window_preproc(pdg, wndw, rhs):
PETSc.Sys.Print(f'### === --- Calculating time-window {wndw} --- === ###')

# The last time-slice will be saving snapshots to create an animation.
# The layout member describes the time_partition.
# layout.is_local(i) returns True/False if the timestep index i is on the
# current time-slice. Here we use -1 to mean the last timestep in the window.
is_last_slice = pdg.layout.is_local(-1)

# Make an output Function on the last time-slice and start a snapshot list
if is_last_slice:
qout = fd.Function(V)
timeseries = [q0.copy(deepcopy=True)]

# This is a callback which will be called after pdg solves each time-window
# We can use this to save the last timestep of each window for plotting.
def window_postproc(pdg, wndw, rhs):
if is_last_slice:
# The aaofunc is the AllAtOnceFunction which represents the time-series.
# indexing the AllAtOnceFunction accesses one timestep on the local slice.
# -1 is again used to get the last timestep and place it in qout.

# Solve nwindows of the all-at-once system

# # # === --- Postprocessing --- === # # #

# paradiag collects a few solver diagnostics for us to inspect
nw = args.nwindows

# Number of linear iterations of the all-at-once system, total and per window.
PETSc.Sys.Print(f'linear iterations: {pdg.linear_iterations} | iterations per window: {pdg.linear_iterations/nw}')

# Number of iterations needed for each block in step-(b), total and per block solve
# The number of iterations for each block will usually be different because of the different eigenvalues
# block_iterations = pdg.solver.jacobian.pc.block_iterations
# PETSc.Sys.Print(f'block linear iterations: {} | iterations per block solve: {}')

# We can write these diagnostics to file, along with some other useful information.
# Files written are: aaos_metrics.txt, block_metrics.txt, paradiag_setup.txt, solver_parameters.txt
if args.write_metrics:

# Make an animation from the snapshots we collected and save it to periodic.mp4.
if is_last_slice and args.mpeg:
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

fn_plotter = fd.FunctionPlotter(mesh, num_sample_points=args.nsample)

fig, axes = plt.subplots()
colors = fd.tripcolor(qout, num_sample_points=args.nsample, vmin=1, vmax=2, axes=axes)

def animate(q):

interval = 1e2
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=timeseries, interval=interval)"periodic.mp4", writer="ffmpeg")

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