Phase-rectified signal averaging (PRSA) implemenated in Python.
DC, AC = eval_ACDC(RRi, L, T)
print(f"DC: {DC}")
print(f"AC: {AC}")
Based on:
- Bauer, A., Kantelhardt, J.W., Barthel, P., Schneider, R., Mäkikallio, T., Ulm, K., Hnatkova, K., Schömig, A., Huikuri, H., Bunde, A. and Malik, M., 2006. Deceleration capacity of heart rate as a predictor of mortality after myocardial infarction: cohort study. The lancet, 367(9523), pp.1674-1681.
- Bauer, A., Kantelhardt, J.W., Bunde, A., Barthel, P., Schneider, R., Malik, M. and Schmidt, G., 2006. Phase-rectified signal averaging detects quasi-periodicities in non-stationary data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 364, pp.423-434.