Is tool for ruby on rails. It allows typing of pure a html code, so no more repeating an special symbols.
I'll show you example from via:
# index.html.via 10.times do |number| <p>= number</p> end
Via look like ruby classic code and 10x printing a dom element with sequence number.
Now I will show you it same code in erb:
# index.html.erb <% 10.times do |number| %> <p><%= number %></p> <% end %>
Can be seen from exemples, via adhere to ruby philosophy "A programmer's best friend".
This a program has been very easy to install. Repository must be cloned to your directory and bash script under name is ready for start via a console.
Quick installation:
git clone &&
cd via && bin/
All an submodules be cloned to a repository and create link for a bash script under name ''.
The application is standalone and edit a code is not required. A 'via' is command in terminal with helping start program. This application search all files with a '.via' ending suffix, in an directory tree hierarchy. This all files transformate to an erb form and saved them with a '.erb' ending suffix to new files.
Start program:
If not pasted a relative path to directory or file, so program search from current a directory. Maybe a program ending while a bit later. For a program manual ending recommended with key typing CTRL+C.
Via uses parameters that extend the functionality of the application.
-i: the Via implemented to an rails project
-d ID: developer mode with an number identification.
- 0 - Transformed text prints to a terminal and create new a file (default).
- 1 - Transformed text prints to a terminal, by without a file create.
- 2 - Searches all files under suffix a '.via' and print found all files with relative path.
-s DIR: a directory for save files.
This pattern by apply for start a via program, so parameters by added to a center the command.
via [parameters] [file|dir]
Create a workspace directory and in inside create next directories with a file.
└── share
└── vias
└── index.html.via
# index.html.via
10.times do |number|
<p>= number</p>
A file under name 'index.html.via' added to a 'vias' directory,
Added to a 'vias' directory was a new file named 'index.html.via', so file transformation to erb form.
Přidal jsem do složky 'vias' soubor pod názvem 'index.html.via', který chci aby se transformoval do podoby erb. Nechci míchat soubory '.erb' s '.via'. Proto nově vytvořené soubory by se měli vytvořit do 'share' adresáře. Pro lepší kontrolu chci vytisknout do terminálu transformovaný text.
Použiji tento příkaz:
via -d -s share share/vias
<%10.times do |number|%>
<p><%= number%></p>
This a file '/share/index.html.erb' has been created.