Welcome to the repository of P2P-RS, i.e., the algorithm presented by Filippo Bistaffa, Christian Blum, Jesús Cerquides, Alessandro Farinelli, and Juan Rodrı́guez-Aguilar in “A Computational Approach to Quantify the Benefits of Ridesharing for Policy Makers and Travellers”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE T-ITS) volume 22 issue 1, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2954982.
The source code of P2P-RS is available upon request. If you are interested, feel free to contact me at filippo[dot]bistaffa[at]gmail[dot]com
P2P-RS employs the TLC Trip Record Data provided by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). In the experimental evaluation of our publication we use data from one week-end day (3 December 2016) and one week day (1 December 2016).