AdonisJS Starter Kit is a robust, monorepo-based template for developing full-stack applications with AdonisJS. Leveraging modern tools such as TurboRepo, pnpm, ShadCN, Inertia.js, Tailwind CSS, and PostgreSQL, this starter kit streamlines your development process and enables you to rapidly bootstrap your projects.
- Monorepo Setup: Efficient package management and build processes powered by TurboRepo and pnpm.
- UI Framework: Reusable and customizable components provided by ShadCN.
- Frontend Integration: Inertia.js delivers a modern single-page application (SPA) experience.
- Styling: Rapid and responsive UI development using Tailwind CSS.
- Database: PostgreSQL ensures robust, scalable, and high-performance data storage.
- User Management: Comprehensive user management system.
- Authorization & Authentication: Secure access control mechanisms.
- Password Recovery: Built-in functionality for password reset and recovery.
- Social Authentication: Easily authenticate users via social providers (Google, GitHub, etc.) using the @adonisjs/ally package.
- User Impersonation: Administrators can temporarily assume any user's identity for support or testing purposes.
- Multiple Layouts: Choose between two distinct layouts: sidebar for enhanced navigation and Header for a streamlined top-bar interface.
To create a new project using this starter kit, run:
pnpm create adonisjs@latest -K="filipebraida/adonisjs-starter-kit"
- Copy the Example Environment File
Duplicate the example file to create your own environment configuration.
cp apps/web/.env.example apps/web/.env
- Generate the App Key
Generate a cryptographically secure key and assign it to theAPP_KEY
environment variable.
node apps/web/ace generate:key
- Configure Social Auth & Email
Social authentication and email settings can be configured later as needed.
The project includes a Dockerfile that automatically initializes the necessary configurations using your environment variables. To set up the database:
- Start the Database with Docker
Launch the database container:
docker compose up -d
- Run Migrations
Apply all migrations to create the database schema:
pnpm --filter web exec node ace migration:run
- Seed the Database
Populate the database with initial data (e.g., default users and roles):
pnpm --filter web exec node ace db:seed
Start the development server with the following command:
pnpm run dev
This command launches the AdonisJS server along with any associated applications.
├── apps/
│ └── web/ # Backend and frontend application using AdonisJS with Inertia.js
├── packages/ # Shared packages and utilities
├── pnpm-workspace.yaml # Monorepo configuration
└── turbo.json # TurboRepo configuration
- TurboRepo: Monorepo management and build caching.
- pnpm: Fast and efficient package management.
- ShadCN: Modern UI component library.
- Inertia.js: Seamless integration between frontend and backend.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid styling.
- PostgreSQL: Reliable and high-performance relational database.
To add a new UI component using ShadCN, execute:
pnpm dlx shadcn@latest add button -c apps/web
Replace button
with the name of the component you wish to add.
AdonisJS Starter Kit offers two distinct layouts so you can choose the interface that best fits your application's needs.
export default function ListUsersPage({ users, roles }: InferPageProps<UsersController, 'index'>) {
return (
<AppLayout breadcrumbs={[{ label: 'Users' }]} layout="sidebar">
// code ...
A minimalist design with top-aligned navigation, providing a clean and intuitive user experience.
A layout featuring side navigation, ideal for applications that require quick and organized access to various sections.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests with improvements and suggestions to enhance this starter kit.
This project draws inspiration from the following sources:
- ShadCN UI
- AdonisJS Starter Kit by Batosai
- ShadCN Blocks
- ShadCN Admin by Satnaing
- Laravel React Starter Kit
This project is licensed under the MIT License.