FidusWriter-OJS is a Fidus writer plugin to connect a Fidus Writer instance
with Open Journal Systems (OJS).
This plugin has to be combined with the OJS-FidusWriter plugin <>
_ for OJS.
These instructions are for developers only. If you are running Fidus Writer as a snap, see these instructions on how to activate plugins.
Within a Python virtual environment, install Fidus Writer with the plugin like this:
pip install fiduswriter[ojs]
Create a Fidus Writer project in the current folder by running:
fiduswriter startproject
There will now be a file in the current folder. Add "ojs" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting in the file like this::
INSTALLED_APPS += ( ... 'ojs', )
Run Fidus Writer::
fiduswriter runserver
Following the install instructions of the
OJS-FidusWriter plugin <>
_ to connect the two plugins with each other.
This plugin has been developed by the Opening Scholarly Communications in the Social Sciences (OSCOSS) <>
_ project, financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and executed by the University of Bonn and GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
Original Developers: Fakhri Momeni <>
_ and Johannes Wilm <>