I'm Jeff and I'm currently Director of Technology and Innovation at Redgate.
You can find me on LinkedIn, an unmaintained website or not writing articles on Medium.
Feel free to reach out to me.
- 💡 - Anything that makes software easier; it's too hard!
- Type systems?
- Better static analysis?
- Better human interaction?
- Maybe it's agents?
- 🏟️ How we built a generative culture at Redgate - a talk on culture that emerged from our internal conference
- ⭐ Scaling your engineering culture - It's mainly Will Larson being awesome, but I'm there somewhere!
- 🚶 Automatic Gait Recognition using area-based metrics - Machine learning before it was cool!
- 📜 A delta-driven execution model for semantic computing - A fun startup I was involved with nearly 20 years ago!
- 👆 Transforming Tech at Redgate - Redgate's using some pretty cool stuff these days